Business Development Representative Salary (BDR) - Average Salary

April 2024
7 Min

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The Business Development Representative (BDR) is a sales representative in charge of prospecting new customers. It occurs at the very beginning of the sales cycle.

The Business Development Representative (BDR) identify new business opportunities and make contact with prospects. Once these profiles have been qualified, he transmits them to more experienced field salespeople: Account Executives (AEs). Many Akimbers become BDR after their Bootcamp at Akimbo.

As with most Business Development & Sales jobs, remuneration is composed of 2 parts:

  • A fixed part, a salary that is paid on a permanent basis.
  • A variable part, which depends on its performance. The latter can amount to 50% of the total salary.

Job offers present this format as a Package which then refers to the total salary (fixed + variable at 100% of the objectives).

What is the salary for a Business Development Representative?

Business Development Representative Intern Salary

Beginner, The BDRs Interns must demonstrate strong determination and fluency in speaking. The salary of an intern may be increased compared to the legal minimum, but the variable portion is: limited. In a sense, the responsibilities expected do not justify a great deal of variation. It is a very valued position but theHierarchical evolution is long. The process oflearning is however greatly accelerated and thesinking very beneficial.

On these roles, we find a gross monthly bonus between €700 and €1,200 for a fixed rate + €200 to €1,000/month in variable.

Business Development Representative Junior (BDR Junior) Salary

These are profiles of 0 to 2 years of experience in sales and customer relations.

The longer the sales cycles, the longer it takes to move up a tier. Junior BDRs have more in-depth experience and have more and more responsibilities. They are more Effective because trained and this results in a evolution of their remuneration.

We will find on these roles a fixed annual gross salary between €26K and €36K in fixed income + 20 to 50% variable.

Business Development Representative (BDR) Salary

This is the profile of 0 to 3 years of experience in sales and customer relations.

These BDRs are beginning to benefit from a significant experience in the field. The action trained them to become more competent and efficient in their work.

We will find on these roles a fixed annual gross salary between €28K and €38K in fixed income + 20 to 50% variable.

Senior Business Development Representative (BDR Senior) Salary

It's about profile over 2 years of experience in sales and customer relations.

During these many years of encountering and dealing with various cases, The Senior SDR has an overall vision. It is a prospecting expert And a landmark within the company. He knows by heart the Lead Cycle and knows how to deal with almost any situation.

We will find on these roles a fixed annual gross salary between 34 K€ and 41 K€ in fixed income + 20 to 50% variable.

Salaire Business Development Representative Senior

What factors influence the salary of a BDR?

  • Especially the level of development of the startup

La waistline of the start-up and its economic situation (such as possible fundraising) are elements to be taken into account when recruiting. Depending on the growth of the company, the positions to be filled will be more or less segmented. Instead, fast-growing startups offer very specific roles. The diversification of jobs implies for the BDR to be specialist in what he does. La Wage change is an obvious consequence in this case.

  • The startup industry (sector, average basket, sales complexity...)

Startups that market complex goods or services With long sales cycles usually get The highest salaries. Some sectors such as The digital or The Tech are by nature expensive and competitive fields. Therefore, the average basket is more important. However, it is on the latter that is calculated The variable portion, so the total salary will be higher. Like sales proposals and the complexity of the task, remuneration is a representation of the mission of BDRs and A source of motivation.

  • Your experience level

Quite logically, BDRs accumulating several years ofexperiments are paid a higher salary. The difference in remuneration between a Junior and Senior position is based on their performance. Unlike young profiles, older profiles will generally be awarded more than responsibilities. With Major Accounts in charge, Senior BDRs take care of a largest average basket. They therefore benefit from variable remuneration. proportionally higher.

  • Your maintenance performance

Remuneration depends on the experience and skills of the candidate. During the interview, the candidate can talk about their latest positions and the missions they have completed. For example, a BDR who is proficient inEnglish (or even another language) may be offered prospects for international development and therefore a better salary. Les responsibilities And the workload which were sent to him indicate whether or not his former officials were satisfied.

These retrospectives are a good way to stand out through its actions but also by his mentality. A good BDR should demonstratehumility And of Questioning. In addition to their skills and diplomas, the recruiter must also feel His motivation.

  • Your track record if you already have experience

Even more important than the positions occupied in the past, they are scores Achievements that matter. The track-record can be established within each company and highlights The progress of the individual. Depending on its performance, the metrics Show a positive or negative evolution. It is a good representation of the determination And of theefficiency of a BDR.

Quels facteurs influencent le salaire d’un BDR ?

What is the role of a Business Development Representative?

In concrete terms, the BDR aims to develop turnover.

To do this, he focuses on commercial prospecting of Outbounds leads. This is a B2B prospect who has an interest in a company's offer but who has not yet taken the first step.

Its action focuses on The start of the sales cycle. The role of the BDR is topinpoint Then ofInitiate contact with the outgoing lead. He will elaborate a specific Outbound development plan for each prospect.

Since they have never been in contact with the company, the BDR has a presentation and argumentation work to convince them to subscribe to the product or service offered by the company.

To be BDR is to be The first link Who goes detect business opportunities using different acquisition channels businesses.

What are the missions of a BDR?

  • Understand the product and its value on the market

In order todevelop the action plan and propose an adapted solution For each profile, the BDR must have a perfect internal and external knowledge of the company. Throughout the tenure of this position, the process oflearning never stops. The BDR must constantly adapt tocompetitive environment and at theevolution of the company's offers. It must strike the perfect balance between meeting sales needs and satisfying customers.

  • Get to know your target customers (their expectations, motivations, fears...)

The BDR is everything first contact level of a potential customer. It must apply a Active listening of his prospect in order topinpoint its needs and its activities. These are the returns that form the basis of his work. Based on the information he has, he will adapt your strategy For the personalize. This proximity between the BDR and the lead encourages a relationship of trust. The customer feels listened to and understood because the proposals are adapted to their situation. It goes more easily subscribe to offers that are made to him and thus surely lead to a sale.

  • Create and execute prospecting sequences

BDR's job sets up the negotiations in order to develop, manage and maintain a good customer relationship over time. It then becomes expert in prospecting sequences by emails, cold calls, prospecting on LinkedIn. He must be able to identify and prospect the individuals he thinks can convert into customers. So it not only has a analysis and interpretation work but also of argumentation and loyalty. Commercial prospecting is a complex process that requires versatility and availability. The Copywriting should also be very good at reassuring prospects.

  • Manage a portfolio of opportunities on the CRM (taking notes, reminders,...)

All the time saved by not doing administrative work or reminders is time saved to communicate with the customer. The essential tool of the BDR is The CRM like SalesForce or HubSpot. Faced with the quantity of leads that he must manage at the same time, he is required to use business tools and techniques. Mastering these working methods helps himorganize and to prioritizing its missions. So, he gains in efficiency and productivity.

  • Make the switch to Account Executives and/or Sales. Work in pairs with them

Once the leads are qualified, the BDR transmits these contacts to Account Executives (AEs) Who will take care of from the negotiation to the closing of the contract. That is to say, its action stops when the prospect becomes a potential customer relevant to the offer and is ready to engage in a commercial relationship. However, the BDR may still have to intervene in the organization of appointments and in the customer loyalty. Among the sales team, this is the individual in whom the prospect has trust And who knows his situation best.

Quelles sont les missions d’un BDR ?

What are the qualities and skills required?

  • Self-denial, resilience, pugnacity

The BDR likes overcoming challenges and finds motivation in the search for results and challenges. However, commercial prospecting necessarily integrates cognitive biases and human problems (doubt, mistrust, etc.). The BDR is undergoing a lot of pressure And ofopposition. He must then know the lead cycle and its difficulties and accept them as such. This position requires determination, of Cold-blooded And of the patience. While the process sometimes proves to be futile, it must however be in a position to bounce back despite failure.

  • Relational skills to open doors

Commercial prospecting requires the BDR to be attracted to human contact. The BDR is constantly in contact with individuals who each have their own particularities. He must demonstrate a Sense of listening And of a A taste for communication. It is his answers and his personalized support that reassure prospects and encourage them to grant their trust in the project. Faced with the complexity of the task, the BDR knows that it is necessary time and perseverance to get through. He will have toadjust to the adversity of some leads who are not receptive.

  • Curiosity to become an expert in your industry

The BDR is concerned about always better represent your business and its product or service. For this, he never stops Get informed on its proposal and on competition. It's her knowledge And her skill to present the arguments that make the offer attractive. Son expertise is then recognized and brings a real added value to the sales cycle. He advises and guides prospects to the best solution for them. The BDR is creative and knows how to question himself, he is always looking for a way to improve to achieve its goal and provide relevant profiles to AEs.

Quelles sont les qualités et compétences requises ?

Business Developer Representative vs Sales Development Representative

Salary difference between the BDR and the SDR

In theory, An SDR focuses on Inbound prospects (leads) and The BDRs upon prospects from hunting (outbound).

In practice, both are very often Confused and focus on prospects from hunting (outbound).

In fact, BDRs are slightly better paid because they are older than SDRs. Even more so if, as in some scale-ups (Salesforce, Lucca...), there are both SDRs and BDRs in the same team.

BDRs have a research work more in-depth than SDRs who draw their contacts from marketing targets. Likewise, the factors previously discussed such as the sector, size, and seniority of the company are elements that can influence compensation.

Sales Development Representative Salary

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This is the profile of 0 to 2 years of experience in sales and customer relations.

In France, we find on these roles gross annual fixed salaries in a range between €26K and €35K in fixed income + 20 to 50% variable.

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