The advantages of a commercial diagnosis for your business

April 2024
7 Min

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Is your business on track for growth and success? To find out, nothing beats a comprehensive business diagnosis.

One commercial diagnosis Done well can have a significant impact on the growth and stability of a business. He highlights inefficiencies or wastage within the company.

By correcting them, the company can optimize the use of its resources, which can lead to significant savings. In this article, we'll explore in detail the key business benefits that come from this essential practice.

Business growth

Growth is the ultimate goal for most businesses. A thorough commercial diagnosis or audit can play a crucial role in achieving this goal and in their strategy.

avantage diagnostic commercial
A Sales Director who sees an improvement in performance thanks to the actions that followed a diagnosis

By looking closely at the market and the competition, a business diagnosis can reveal untapped opportunities or high-potential niches. This allows the company to focus on areas where it can grow.

Here are the benefits of diagnosing the effectiveness of commercial activities for the growth of a company.

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In-depth understanding of the business

The commercial diagnosis allows a complete evaluation of its activities, its resources, its processes and its sector. This makes it possible to better understand the strengths and weaknesses of companies.

With a clear vision of the company's situation, managers are in a position to make more informed decisions. This can lead to more effective strategies and more targeted investments.

Expansion of commercial activities

One of the main advantages of a well-conducted commercial diagnosis or audit is that it can reveal new opportunities for business expansion and retain more customers.

avantages diagnostic commercial
A sales force that discovers the results of their commercial diagnosis

By identifying internal strengths and evaluating external opportunities, a company can determine where it makes sense to grow its business and boost its success.

For example, if this audit reveals a high demand for a product or service In particular, the company may considerextend its range of products to meet this demand. This can lead to increased sales, more customer loyalty, better profitability, and geographic expansion.

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Penetrating new markets

Another major advantage is the possibility of entering new markets. By using the data collected during the commercial diagnosis, the company can identify target markets where it is not yet present.

This expansion into new markets can help diversify revenue sources and reduce dependence on a single sector. It can also increase resilience in the face of economic fluctuations.

Effective risk management

In addition to growth, a well-conducted business audit contributes to effective risk management. This is a crucial aspect for the sustainability of the company.

Early identification of problems

One of the key benefits of business diagnostics is that it allows potential problems to be identified early.

By examining in detail the performance indicators and internal data, the company can spot red flags, such as declines in profitability, quality issues, or operational inefficiencies.

diagnostic commercial avantages
A Head of Sales who notes interesting suggestions following a commercial diagnosis

Early identification and analysis of these problems allows the company to take corrective measures before they worsen and seriously affect its business.

Crisis prevention

A well-executed business diagnosis plays a proactive role in crisis prevention. By evaluating the competition, market trends and economic factors, the company can anticipate potential threats.

For example, if the diagnosis reveals increased competition, the company can put in place strategies to strengthen its competitive position.

Likewise, if signs of economic recession are emerging, the company can adjust its operations to minimize negative impacts.

Diagnostic performance commerciale

Risk control

After assessing risks, appropriate control measures can be put in place to reduce or mitigate them. These measures may include policies, procedures, standards, standards, assurances, or other risk management mechanisms.

Commercial surveillance and follow-up

Risk management is an ongoing process. It is important to monitor risks regularly to ensure that control measures are effective and that potential new risks are not overlooked.

The monitoring and follow-up of sales teams is essential to ensure their development, effectiveness and maximizing sales performance. Here are some steps you can take to set up effective monitoring and follow-up:

1. Establishing clear goals

Before monitoring and following up on sales teams, it is essential to define them in a precise and feasible way. They must be measurable and aligned with salespeople.

2. Define key performance indicators (KPIs)

Identify key metrics that will help assess the success of the sales team. KPIs can include the number of sales, revenue generated, conversion rate, average order value, etc.

3. Use customer relationship management (CRM) tools

CRM systems are powerful tools for tracking and managing activities. They allow you to store customer data, track sales opportunities, record customer interactions, and generate reports.

4. Establishing regular reports

Set up a system of regular reports or analyses that allows team members to share their progress, challenges, and achievements. This can be done in weekly or monthly meetings.

5. Measuring individual and collective commercial performance

Track both the individual performance of team members and the collective success of the team. This helps identify members who are excellent and who need additional support.

6. Give constructive feedback

Provide regular and constructive feedback to team members. This may include praise for achievements, recommendations for improvement for areas where progress is needed, and development advice to achieve goals.

7. Continuing education

Ensure team members have access to training and resources to improve their sales skills. Continuous learning is essential to stay competitive.

8. Set up incentives

Create incentive programs to motivate team members to meet or exceed their goals. Rewards can be financial or non-financial, such as trips, gifts, or benefits.

9. Real-time monitoring

Use real-time tracking tools to track the activities of your employees, such as phone calls, emails, customer visits, etc. This allows for immediate responsiveness in case of problems or challenges.

10. Readjusting the strategy

If the goals are not met, be ready to readjust the business strategy and the defined results. Flexibility is essential to adapt to market changes.

évaluation commerciale
A sales manager who reviews weaknesses discovered following a commercial diagnosis

In summary, monitoring and monitoring salespeople requires the definition of clear indicators, the use of performance indicators, regular communication, training, incentives, and flexibility to adapt to changing market needs. Proactive management contributes to improving team performance and achieving expected results.

Reassessment and adjustment of activities

Conditions and risks change over time. Therefore, there is a need to periodically reassess risks and adjust management measures accordingly.

In conclusion, a well-conducted commercial diagnosis offers a multitude of advantages, including stimulating business growth thanks to the expansion of activities and the penetration of new markets.

In addition, it contributes to the effective risk management by identifying potential problems early and by preventing crises. By investing in this practice, businesses strengthen their ability to evolve, adapt to changes in the sector, and ensure long-term success.

Akimbo sales diagnosis: change your sales method

The Akimbo team has developed a very comprehensive tool for all ambitious companies. It's 100% free and online. Completing this diagnosis will allow you to assess your commercial organization and determine how to accelerate its development. It has 25 questions, all related to our Akimbo equation:

Accelerate = Talents x (Skills + Processes + Tools).

All the answers are intended to be as factual as possible in order to generate relevant analyses. Make sure you have ten minutes in front of you and you will receive your personalized inventory by email!

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