The importance of a commercial diagnosis

April 2024
7 Min

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In this article, we'll explain why a business diagnosis is critical to identifying the strengths and weaknesses of your business, and how it can help you make informed decisions.

Commercial diagnosis is an approach ofin-depth analysis aimed at evaluating the overall health of a business. It encompasses the examination of various aspects of the organization, its commercial strategy To his sales transactions, from its finances to its relationship with its customers. A commercial audit is an exhaustive medical examination for a company, making it possible to diagnose its strengths and weaknesses.

améliorations après un diagnostic commercial
A Head of Sales who is preparing to implement changes following a diagnosis

One commercial diagnosis is based on data collection, meticulous synthesis and the formulation of recommendations.

The primary objective is to enable the company to take informed business decisions, ofanticipate challenges coming soon, and of Maximize your opportunities of growth.

The importance of understanding the health of your business

Assessing the health of your business is critical to its long-term survival and success. A society, just like an individual, can be prone to health problems that are not always visible to the naked eye. Without regular and thorough evaluation, latent problems can worsen and jeopardize the viability of the project or mission carried out by the company.

évaluation commerciale résultats
A Sales Manager who studies the results of a commercial diagnosis

A commercial diagnosis makes it possible not only to detect problems, but also to treat them effectively. It offers a clear vision of the strengths and weaknesses of the business, allowing managers to make informed decisions for improve performance and stimulate growth.

Diagnostic performance commerciale

The aim of this article is to highlight theCrucial importance of a commercial diagnosis for all businesses, small or large, and to show how it can contribute to informed business decision-making and sustainability. Stay with us to find out how this practice can transform your project or business and retain more customers.

Why is a commercial diagnosis essential?

A commercial diagnosis is essential for several reasons. It allows businesses to:

  • To better understand their sales team environment,
  • To identify their strengths and weaknesses,
  • To make informed decisions to improve their performance.

Let's find out more about the reasons for doing a commercial diagnosis.

Commercial diagnosis: identify the strengths and weaknesses of the company

The commercial diagnosis plays a crucial role in identifying the internal strengths and weaknesses of a company, in particular by evaluating the resources used and helping it to cope with the competition.

Analysis of internal resources

Diagnosis involves a careful assessment of its resources, whether they are human, financial, technological or other.

This summary helps determine what the company is doing well and where it might need improvement.

For example, it may reveal that it has a highly qualified workforce, but that it underuses its financial resources as part of the actions put in place. This knowledge is valuable for guiding strategic decisions.

Diagnostic commercial gratuit et enligne

Competitive assessment

The analysis of the competition in sales is an essential component of the commercial diagnosis. It consists in evaluating the position of the company in relation to its competitors in the market. This allows understand competitive advantages, but also to identify areas where it is lagging behind.

diagnostic efficacité équipe commerciale
A sales manager who carries out a diagnosis

Thanks to the study of performance, it is possible to develop strategies to stand out and gain shares in the sector.

For example, if a competitor offers more competitive prices, you need to adjust your pricing or focus on the quality of your service to stand out.

Business diagnosis: improving decision making

A commercial diagnosis is based on the objective data collection and analysis. This data provides accurate information about business performance, trends, and factors that influence business success.

Using data for informed choices

By using this data, leaders can make informed decisions rather than based on guesswork or hunches. For example, if the data shows a drop in sales in a particular region, the company may adjust its marketing or distribution strategy.

Diagnostic commercial gratuit

Optimizing investments

Measuring commercial efficiency also makes it possible to optimize investments. By fully understanding the business situation, managers can effectively allocate their financial, human and material resources.

That means investing where it will provide the most value, and avoiding unnecessary spending in less profitable areas. For example, if the audit reveals that some product lines are more profitable than others, it is relevant to decide to focus your efforts and investments on these products, thus maximizing ROI.

Key ideas to remember about the importance of business diagnostics

It is clear that commercial diagnostics is an essential tool for any company that cares about its health and long-term growth.

diagnostic maturité commerciale de l'équipe de vente
A Sales Director who discovers the results of a recent commercial diagnosis

This in-depth review makes it possible to identify internal strengths and weaknesses, to better understand the competition, to use data for informed decisions, and to optimize investments.

In short, the commercial diagnosis offers a clear and objective vision of the company's situation, which is fundamental for its success.

Encouragement to invest in this essential practice for growth

We strongly encourage sales managers and CEOs, whether their sales teams are small, medium or large, to carry out a commercial diagnosis.

This practice may seem demanding in terms of time and resources, but Q development advantagesWhich derive from this are invaluable. By investing in business diagnostics, you are investing in the future of your company, in its ability to evolve, to prosper and to overcome the challenges that arise.

Remember that the business world is constantly changing, and it is crucial to:

  • Remain agile
  • Adapting to market changes
  • Develop new tools
  • Make informed decisions.

These achievements will allow you to achieve success in your sales and improve your commercial performance.

Akimbo Commercial Diagnosis: the ideal tool for your company

Akimbo has developed a tool, 100% online and free, very complete for all ambitious businesses. Completing this diagnosis will allow you to assess your commercial organization to accelerate its development. It has 25 questions, all related to our Akimbo equation:

Accelerate = Talents x (Skills + Processes + Tools).

If you have any questions or concerns, let our team know.

Feel free to share this article with other professionals and entrepreneurs. Together, we can contribute to strengthening the performance of our companies, making better use of our tools and stimulating growth.

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