What do you think of Closers? Our opinion

April 2024
7 Min

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Closer's job raises a lot of questions in France. What exactly does that consist of? In this article, we shed some light on the activity of Closers.

A lot of people wonder what Do the Closers on a daily basis and What to think. Let's answer these questions without further delay to help you form an opinion on these professionals.

Attention: in recent years the term “Closer” has taken on Common language the meaning of “Closer B2C.” They are often freelancers responsible for signing prospects on B2C offers (training, coaching, etc.). This activity is in fact very different from “closing”, which has historically referred to the same activity but in B2B sales. All B2B salespeople do closing, but they are not “Closers” for all that, if you see the nuance... Click here to find out more about Closing.

The Akimbo Bootcamp to become a Business Developer also attracts a number of apprentice Closers. With good understanding...

Who are the Closers?

Closers are salespeople specializing in telephone sales and video conferencing.

Their profession emerged with the evolution of the Internet as a work tool, which opened up new opportunities for individual entrepreneurs and students.

Closing métier
A person who works as Closer on the phone

The Closers are both Closing professionals and excellent communicators. They learn a few sales techniques based on the training they receive themselves.

The income they earn from their profession is different from one professional to another and depends on the type of job they choose. So who are they more exactly?

Closing professionals

Closing is generally known as the final stage of a Business to Business sales cycle (B2B), in which the professional sells to a company. This is the phase during which the prospect is transformed into a customer.

Closing as carried out by Closers is a Business to Consumer (B2C) sales activity, in which the seller sells to an individual and not to a society. The business cycle concept is generally reserved for the Business to Business (B2B) sector.

Closers are called as such because it is common to use the expression”Closer a deal“to refer to the fact ofmake a sale.

Their work is based on creating a relationship of trust in order to ultimately persuade prospects to buy the product or service sold.

Closers not only take care of one phase of the sales cycle but the entire relationship with the potential buyer.

Excellent communicators who are proficient in telephone sales

The Closers don't only sell by phone and by video, very rarely in person. They are great communicators who use their voices and words as their main tools to sell.

They need to be well-versed in the product or service they're selling to select the profits that are most likely to persuade the prospect to buy.

closing en ligne
A person who works as a Closer during a call

They are often having to work on the interest of the prospect for what is sold, because the person must be convinced.

The commercial relationship is therefore mainly based on the creation of a relationship that gives the prospect confidence about buying remotely.

Who do Closers work for?

Closers can either work asindependents for entrepreneurs, which is an attractive option for many students and entrepreneurs, or for agencies and therefore often as a team.

For entrepreneurs

Closers can be valuable allies for self-employed entrepreneurs and small businesses looking for commercial support.

As external consultants, salespeople allow these employees to focus on the core of their business. Their work being to contact hot prospects who responded well to marketing actions in order to convince them to buy.

Their income in this case depends on the number of sales they make because they earn a percentage on each of them.

For agencies

B2C closing experts can also find a job in outsourced sales agencies.

The Closers then manage multiple customer accounts that they did not have to find themselves.

agence de closing
A Closing professional who works in an agency

They work as part of a team and benefit from a employment contract as well as more security in terms of income.

There are currently several agencies in France. Most of them also offer training courses to work as Closer.

How much do Closers get paid?

Closers are usually paid for performance: according to the number of customers they sign. It is rarer for them to have a fixed salary. The more expensive the services they sell, the higher their remuneration will be. Full-time for 3 customers, a Closer will receive from €2,000 to €2,500 net monthly and up to €5,000 to €6,000 if it is very efficient. But the competition is tough!

Akimbo's opinion on The Closers

The profession has the pros and cons of self-entrepreneurship.

- Advantages: flexible hours, remote work, remuneration that depends on performance, human connection, adrenaline, remuneration if you perform well.

- Disadvantages: precarious status, repetition or even monotony of the tasks and challenges of prospects, limited career development, prospects that are not always interesting.

In the end, Closers are more or less efficient salespeople depending on the situation, but what matters most is their ability to create a link with their prospects.

Use Closers for a commercial activity in the B2C sector

In the B2C sector, Closers can play a decisive role in converting prospects into customers.

Their marketing understanding and training are generally aligned with selling to individuals.

Use Closers for a commercial activity in the B2B sector

As far as the B2B sector is concerned, Closers will not be prepared for the closing phase. This is generally provided by salespeople who have several years of experience in this type of sale. For example Account Executives.

Closing is no longer based on the customer experience of a buyer but on several decision-makers.

The emotional takes up less space face and you will have to convince them all that what is sold to the company represents a smart investment.

Knowing how to persuade is not enough: it is essential to have a thorough understanding of the client company, its market and its strategic priorities.

It is also necessary demonstrate extensive expertise on a subject that represents a real problem for the company.

Several interactions will be required before reaching a purchase decision, and other tools are required in addition to the telephone.

The training courses for Closers are not built to succeed as a salesperson on a B2B sales team.

How do you rate Closers?

If you are looking to collaborate with Closers, evaluating their skills is essential for the evolution of your company.

If the chosen Closer is competent, you will reap a lot of benefits from your marketing efforts. Here are the assessment options for selecting the right candidate:

Depending on their training

Closers can choose from various types of training. Some prefer a independent training. They use resources, books and courses that are available on the Internet.

Closing sales formation
An Akimbo Sales and Business Development Bootcamp participant

Others opt for agencies or specialized training programs, offering structured supervision and group learning opportunities.

Professionals who follow this type of training have the advantage of receiving feedback on their performance. These rfeedback and advice on their practices come from stakeholders who have experience in closing.

Examine their past performances

A key indicator of a Closer's competency is their sales experience. It is important to Take a close look at the numbers :

  • How many sales did they make?
  • What was the total sales?
  • Did they meet or exceed their sales goals?

Depending on what you want them to sell, the level of experience needed to excel won't be the same.

When evaluating a Closer, keep in mind that success doesn't just depend on technical skills, but also on personality and interpersonal skills.

A good Closer should be able to build strong relationships with potential customers and understand their needs.

Get referrals

Asking for professional references is another method for evaluating Closers.

Les former employers or customers can provide valuable information about the work done as well as the reliability of the Closer.

It is advisable to contact these references to gather objective information.

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