What is the salary of a closer in 2024?

April 2024
7 Min

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Are you interested in the Closer business? Learn all about its benefits: salary, lifestyle, online training, commissions and more.

While closing is particularly renowned for its remuneration, the reality of Closer's salary is far from the myth! Find out more about the new Closer's job and on the daily life of self-employed salespeople thanks to our guide.

It should be noted that this article discusses the Closer business and not the closing as it is known in B2B sales. We explain the difference in our article dedicated to the definitions of closing and the best sales techniques to excel in the closing phase.

What is closing?

Very popular in the sales industry, Closer is in demand by companies who want to boost their business and increase their number of customers.

This job consists of:

  • Call prospects (usually warm or hot) to talk to them. Sometimes prospects are cold but they are only called if they have already heard about the product or service.
  • Present the benefits of a product or service and ensure that these coincide with the needs of the prospect.
  • Make an offer adapted to the preferences of the interlocutor.

Like any good salesperson, Closer is committed to ethical sales. He therefore makes every effort to guarantee customer satisfaction complete and can choose not to make an offer to the prospect if he does not think that his expectations will be met.

How do you pay for a Closer?

salaire closer indépendant

A Closer's salary generally depends on a number of factors such as:

  • Son statute (depending on whether he is an employee or a self-employed person).
  • The way he manages his activity and his schedule.
  • The type of remuneration that he chooses: fixed, by commissions or cross.

The compensation system based on commissions generated by sales

This first type of remuneration is particularly aimed at an auto-entrepreneur since he is based on a rate levied in relation to the total value of sales concluded with customers.

This rate is not universal and is very often negotiated when a collaboration contract is signed with the company. It varies according to:

  • The Closer experience.
  • The nature of the products or services sold.
  • The resources of the company in question. For the most part, larger companies offer higher commissions than SMEs.

Very variable, This type of salary is not the same from one month to the next because it depends on the performance of the Closer as well as on the number of customers. In some sectors of activity, it is easier to convert a lead at a given period of time.

The fixed compensation system

Mostly used for a paid Closer in a closing agency or by micro-enterprises managed by infopreneurs, it is a remuneration indexed to a number of hours of monthly work.

The hourly rate is then fixed in advance and allows the same salary to be obtained every month, regardless of the number of sales concluded or the volume of telephone calls made during a period.

The cross-retribution system

A true hybrid between the two previous models, this system allows Minimum wage that is stable over the months. It includes:

  • A fixed salary based on a certain hourly rate based on the number of hours worked.
  • A variable part that corresponds to a commission according to the number of prospects converted and the overall turnover brought to a company or a businessman.

How much does a Closer pay?

As explained above, you should keep in mind that the salary of a Closer differs according to experience, the type of customer or businesse with whom he works but also according to his ability to negotiate an interesting contract.

Salary for an entry-level profile

For a profile that is still young or at the beginning of a professional retraining, he is It's hard to imagine a salary in excess of €50K for several reasons:

  • These Closers are generally new to their first training and do not yet fully master the ethical selling techniques they have just learned.
  • The commission is lower at this stage because the telephone exchange with the prospect is not always successful and the Closer can multiply calls without obtaining results.
  • Also, they have more difficulty finding customers and negotiating a high percentage because companies trust them less than experienced profiles.

Also note: not all newbies work full time. For some, it's more of an income supplement than a real salary.

For those who devote most of their time to this activity, they can look forward to a minimum of 2 to 3 K€ per month.

Salary for an experienced profile

With a bit more seniority in the profession, a Closer can expect to earn more than 5 K€ monthly, but remember, however, that it is difficult to pass the €7K mark. Closers who sell high ticket products are the closest.

The significant increase in the salary of experienced profiles is explained by:

  • Les facilities To close a sale that these profiles have. These are based on the various commercial techniques that they have learned to master during several training courses.
  • Their broadest range of collaborators.
  • The best management of their schedule. It allows them to make a better living without spending whole days on the phone with prospects.
  • Their seniority which allows them to obtain a higher commission than that of a beginner, when negotiating an assignment contract.

Who can make closing their profession?

Comment devenir closer ?

At first glance, Closer's job is accessible to all : job seeker, person undergoing professional retraining, salesperson wishing to reorient themselves in a new business, student interested in the sales environment...

The closing However, cannot be practised without training - this is necessary not only to acquire good techniques, but also to create a network of future customers.

What are the skills of a good Closer?

In terms of skills, the Closer must be able to successfully complete each call thanks to solid skills in communication, negotiation and active listening.

It must have a good business method and develop a qualitative sales script while not forgetting to stay in the dialogue and encourage discussion to precisely identify the needs and expectations of the prospect.

As an entrepreneur, he must also Know how to manage your time and be organized to generate enough revenue without being overwhelmed by calls.

Finally, it is important that he can gain the trust of his customers in order to win long-term contracts and maintain a stable pace of work and income.

What are the qualities of a good Closer?

The qualities required are:

  • La ability to listen and be kind : the closing is based on the concept of ethical selling. It is therefore important to worry about customer satisfaction before looking to sell. You have to put the buyer at the center of the discussion and genuinely try to understand your needs. It is essential to establish a relationship of trust.
  • One good stress resistance in addition to the human aspect: adaptability And the resiliency are essential to maximize your chances during a call. They will also make it possible to juggle the various missions more easily.

How do I become a Closer?

While becoming a professional in closing requires training, there are nevertheless different ways to learn how to do this brand new activity. A look back at the various courses in this mini guide:

The various possible formations

Accessible to all levels and to all individuals, provided they have a appetite for the commercial branch, the training to become a Closer can be done:

  • In person or online.
  • As a team or individually.
  • With a training organization.
  • With a coach.
  • Through qualitative videos and readings.

Each of these options has pros and cons. The three most important things to remember are:

  • The acronym “eligible for the CPF” is not necessarily a guarantee of the quality of the training. It is therefore necessary to find out in advance about the training organization and read testimonies.
  • Not all closing coaches are competent: those who promise results and a particularly high salary in the first few months of activity are generally fraudulent. So beware of scams!
  • Learning simply from readings and videos is sometimes not enough. and some collaborators might be shy about working with a Closer that doesn't have any official certification.

Job search: in an agency, online...

At the end of the training, finding work can be more or less difficult depending on the network Closer already has. Indeed, working as a self-employed person requires have a large contact list to do business and to be able to live properly.

When you do not have enough contacts, it is possible to work in an agency or within a sales team. These options certainly offer less freedom but they allow you to benefit from good economic stability as well as a lower workload.

How to make a living from the closing?

Vivre du closing

As you will have understood, making a living from the closing is not always easy, especially at the beginning. It is therefore necessary to be organized to obtain interesting results while maintaining moments of rest and leisure.

Be well prepared

To make sure your calls are successful, you need to prepare them. We recommend that youwrite a sales pitch for each prospect profile and to practice doing it in order to know it like the back of your hand. In the long run, you will be more confident, know how to make offers adapted to the expectations of the prospect and maximize your chances of conversion.

Master the required computer tools

Les CRM software are the best friends of Closers who want to optimize their time and improve on a daily basis. In fact, they allow:

  • to analyze calls,
  • to keep important information,
  • to bring recommendations personalized,
  • To perform A follow-up of each sales cycle.

The call tools that allow you to take notes during exchanges, to set appointments and to access your directory at any time, will also be very useful to you.

Have enough free time to answer calls

So as not to waste time with multiple inconclusive calls, you have to keep an agenda with a defined time slot for each mission. Untimely phone calls should also be avoided as much as possible. This makes it possible not to disperse, to remain effective and to make sure that your activities do not overflow into your moments of rest.

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