What is Closing? Role, missions, salaries

April 2024
7 Min

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More and more people want to become Closers. Let's see together what is behind this new B2C sales profession, and the missions associated with it.

Mastering the Closing stage is essential to grow your turnover. Specializing in commercial techniques to convert prospects into customers, Closer is a key element in the success of entrepreneurs.

For future Closing enthusiasts, our Bootcamp to become a Business Developer gives an important part to Closing's skills.

The new definition of Closing

Are you in the process of retraining and are you wondering if Closer's job is right for you? We are going to help you decide.

But first we need to agree on the definition of the word. And it's not an easy task! A B2B seller (who is up to date with the news) will tell you that being “Closer” is not quite the same as mastering Closing. And he is right. Closer's job is at the origin of a new way of understanding the word Closing even if its definition does not really change.

Whether it's Closer's new job or Commercial Closing, the term refers to the moment (so expected by the sellers) where the buyer finally decides to settle the transaction or to sign the contract.

Because reaching this stage requires a lot of work, some salespeople have specialized in this final stage of the sales cycle.

In B2B sales, this is for example the case of Account Executives and for sale B2C that of The Closers.

But be careful, the actions put in place to achieve this success differ depending on whether we are in B2C or in B2B.

The common points between Closing in sales and the new job of closeuse

Closer's job shares several skills with that of sales person. Sometimes professionals in these trades can even use identical commercial techniques.

Then, there are other points in common between Closing in sales and the Closer business such as:

  • The fact that they are both based on the objective of convert a prospect into a customer.
  • The fact that they both revolve around a presentation of products or services that should give Want to buy.
  • The fact that both professionals in these professions need to know deal with objections.
  • The fact that thecustomer approach Is mostly done By phone in both cases.

The differences between Closing in sales and Closer's new job

First of all, Closers more often have the status of self-employed than that of employees.

Then, these salespeople only work with businesses, coaches, influencers, and other professionals who have a B2C target.

The Closer's priority is to ensure that the product it is trying to sell generates strong emotions on the part of the prospect.

On the other hand, salespeople must support their targets in a more or less long phase of reflection before they decide to buy.

Is non-commercial Closing a scam?

Le closing est-il une arnaque ?

Doubts may emerge when faced with certain Closing formations or the testimony of certain Closers as to the legitimacy and morality of their activity.

Indeed, not all training courses are qualitative and not all Closers necessarily exercise in the best possible way - some promising a Far too attractive remuneration, with others implicitly promoting a Ponzi scheme or an MLM business.

However, it is necessary to distinguish between these disreputable practices, which are not representative of what Closing really is, and the real job of Closer, which is based on a more ethical approach to sales.

How does Closing work on the internet?

With the growth of social networks and online sales, it is becoming essential to master Closing on the Internet and to understand the importance that the digitalization of society plays in the commercial sector.

More and more products and services are now 100% digital (masterclasses, conferences, ebook, etc.). In recent years, the customer has also tended to Give priority to websites businesses to buy its products or a service.

The purpose of Closing on the Internet is therefore tosupport the prospect in their purchase by giving him advice and listening - the aim being to understand if it will meet his expectations and bring him satisfaction.

To do this, the Closer will first retrieve the data of an interested prospect (for example, having explicitly asked to be called back or having subscribed to a newsletter).

Closing will then be based on telephone calls aimed at exchanging and analyzing his profile and needs to guide him in his potential purchase.

What is the job of a Closer more concretely?

Personne qui exerce le métier de closer au téléphone

As Closer's job is quite recent, we have put together the answers to the most frequent questions about this new activity from the United States: remuneration, schedule, skills required...

Making the link between web entrepreneurs and prospects

While it is also requested by traditional businesses, Closer is working more and more closely with web entrepreneurs as long as they have an online community. This is the case for online speakers and influencers, for example.

However, what the entrepreneur sells is not necessarily aimed at his entire audience, and this is where the concept of Closing comes in: identifying prospects who have a real need and supporting them in the buying process.

How long does a Closer work per day?

Depending on their status, a Closer's schedule may completely differ: for the one working As an employee of a company, it is generally at 35 hours per week, while theindependent Is very pliable and has no minimum or maximum hours.

However, this does not mean that he can succeed without doing anything: working several hours a day is absolutely necessary to close sales and find loyal customers.

Typical days for people who work in Closing

Again, each individual can organize their day at their own pace, even more so if he is independent. However, the missions remain relatively the same from one professional to another:

  • The calls: Throughout the day, a few calls will be made with prospects or with a customer. Since this one is scheduled in advance, the average duration of a call is 30 minutes, which is why he only makes a few calls per day.
  • Preparing the sales script: Before each call, it is necessary to refine the sales pitch and ensure that it corresponds to the profile of the prospect and answers his potential objections
  • Call report: After exchanging with prospects by phone, whether or not a contract has been signed, you must report to the company on the nature of the exchanges, questions and objections raised in order to adapt the sales pitch and keep track of the progress of the various sales cycles.

Does Closing really pay off?

We often hear some professionals boast of a staggering remuneration of nearly €10,000 each month without any difficulty, but it goes without saying that the reality is far from this great promise.

La remuneration Of the Closing working usually by commission, it is entirely possible to receive large amounts of money - provided you have recurring collaborators who offer a “high ticket” offer (in other words high-end, at a relatively high price).

You can thus make a very comfortable living from this activity, but it necessarily involves getting the right contracts and working hard.

What is the salary of a Closer or a closeuse?

Remuneration will also depend on the status of the individual.

As salaried, he can claim a salary of 35,000 to 55,000 euros per year based on his professional experience and training.

For theindependent, This remuneration is much more difficult to estimate because it depends on the hourly rate or commission defined during the contract with each employee. The final amount may therefore be much higher, but there is no guarantee of a fixed income.

What are the skills of a Closer?

Compétences et organisation d'un closer

Among the qualities required to succeed in this profession, we find above all a Relational ease And easy to communicate. A commercial appetite is also essential since it is a sales profession.

The ability to listen actively, empathy and the desire to support and help the prospect in his approach are also part of the skills necessary to exchange and create a relationship of trust with the potential buyer.

Do you have to use specific tools?

4 tools are enough to exercise successfully and have a professional and organized way of working:

  • An agenda, to have a constant eye on his schedule and plan his various appointments.
  • A telephone.
  • A laptop, to work from home or on the go.
  • CRM software to record exchanges with the customer and analyze their content in order to refine their approach using the system's recommendations.

Do specific techniques need to be used?

It can be particularly effective to use Closing techniques to increase sales. Among the best known, we find in particular:

  • The direct proposal, which consists in questioning the customer directly to ask him if he wants to proceed with the signature.
  • The false alternative, by which we give him the illusion of choice.
  • Once the deal is over, which helps him to project himself directly into a post-purchase situation.
  • The balance sheet, that allows you to quickly summarize the arguments and benefits of the product.
  • The final objection, with which he is asked if he is still hesitant to buy.
  • The reversal of roles, by offering the customer to summarize the advantages mentioned during the exchange.

What are the Closing training options?

S'There is no state diploma yet For the Closer job, it is however interesting to follow a Closing training course to develop the required skills and refine your commercial technique.

Find a coach

To find a good coach, first and foremost, you need be wary of overly attractive salary promises, often hiding an illegal MLM business, or worse, a Ponzi scheme. A good coach must be able to justify his experience and show his expertise from the very beginning.

Go through an agency

Some training centers offer Closing mastery modules to learn to retain customers, refine your negotiation techniques or discover more about the human behavior. The course can thus be followed alone, for the self-employed, or in a group for the employees of a company. However, be careful to check the legitimacy of the training organization, as the acronym “eligible for the CPF” is not necessarily a guarantee of quality.

Learn online

google and YouTube are now full of multiple contents to train yourself in Closing and improve its sales methods. Whether it's videos or texts, training can be done from home and without spending a lot of money. Follow the stories and stories of successful entrepreneurs like Chris Voss or Michaël Aguilar can also be a source of inspiration.

How do you get started with Closing?

When you have the required skills and the will to start this new activity, there is two possible paths depending on whether you want to work for a structure or on your own account.

How do you search for a job in Closing?

If you want to be salaried, the Training is essential to enrich your CV and develop your network. It is a very competitive market and more and more people are training in this activity, which is why we must seek to join private groups to access as many job offers as possible.

How to do your own Closing business?

From an administrative point of view, it is first of all imperative to obtain your freelance status in order to work. Afterwards, Take care of your presence on the Internet and Find your customers on LinkedIn is a good way to build a solid address book. The ideal is to look for web entrepreneurs selling high ticket programs in particular to ensure a high commission.

What are the most frequent opinions and testimonies on Closing?

Avis et témoignages sur le Closing les plus fréquents ?

Les pros the most commonly mentioned are freedom (especially for those working independently), the relational and ethical aspect, a fairly high Closing rate and the possibility of free self-taught training.

However, one of major disadvantage is the lack of stability (especially for freelancers) and the irregularity of the activity, the demand can vary drastically from one moment to another. Also, it can sometimes be difficult to stay focused or, on the contrary, to learn how to get a job when you work from home.

What are the tips to follow when starting out?

To get your business off to a good start, a certain readiness is necessary in order to adopt the right actions and habits from the start.

Know how to organize

To work effectively and not miss any appointments, it is essential to:

  • Keep your agenda up to date
  • Sort your files regularly
  • Report on your exchanges

Use the right processes

Train regularly to the different sales methods, analyze your exchanges and Learn from your mistakes is just as crucial because it allows you to constantly improve and to have an ever higher Closing Rate.

Practice cold calling

We often believe - wrongly - that Closing is limited to calling prospects who are already lukewarm or hot. However, training to convert a prospect cold after a few telephone conversations is very important, especially for Work on your negotiation skills and your ability to respond to objections

How do I find customers?

Before thinking about finding customers, you must Define your target and expectations : we will not approach an influencer or a multinational company in the same way. Depending on whether you prefer to sell a tangible product or a conference-type program, you will also not contact the same types of individuals.

Maintain your e-reputation on LinkedIn and Google, use your network and be proactive to find new collaborators is necessary to create a good address book. After collecting a few email addresses and numbers, do you still have to work and personalize your approach to capture the attention of the interlocutor.

Is it possible to work internationally when you are Closer or closeuse?

It is entirely possible to work with foreign customers... at condition to speak several languages ! English is generally indispensable in the business world. However, professional mastery of other languages such as Chinese, Spanish or German can also be interesting for winning international contracts.

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