Job Description - Sales Manager (SM): Definition, Missions and Salary

April 2024
7 Min

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The Sales Manager plays a key role in the success of a startup. Very often confused with the Business Developer by recruiters, the Sales Manager pursues sales goals while managing a team to increase the company's revenue.

The Sales Manager's objective develop a company's sales, in a broad sense.

As Manager, he is very often asked to recruit, direct and manage various roles among jobs found in Sales & Business Development. However, its role is often mixed by companies with that of Business Developer. It even happens to him... Not to manage a team! The word Manager then reflects the seniority of the position.

In all cases, a Sales Manager plays a key role in the success or failure of a structure by pursuing the achievement of sales goals and The increase in revenue.

What does this position actually consist of? How do I become a Sales Manager? Discover the answers to all your questions in this job sheet (missions, training, salary, necessary skills and qualities, etc.)

Sales Manager: the definition

Meaning of the word and translation

A Sales Manager is a experienced salesperson In charge of guide and manage a Sales team in a Tech company.

  • If there is no Head of Sales above him, he will develop and oversee commercial strategy, namely: the main sales objectives and quotas, the sales plan, the analysis of commercial data, the analysis of sales data, the monitoring of performance, the allocation of sales territories, the supervision of sales team members, the participation in the recruitment process, the allocation of training courses.
  • If he depends on a Head of Sales, he will have more operational functions. Its missions will then focus on The sale and of the management of the team. He will be able to contribute to the commercial strategy alongside the Head of Sales, but his real goals will depend on sales and sales force development.

So be careful not to confuse it with Head of Sales which takes on the same missions, but a bit more senior. Or with the Business Developer, often a bit more junior, making more ground.

It's up to you to read the job descriptions carefully to identify the subtleties of each job. A Head of Sales will be better paid and his managerial vocation clearly assumed. The latter is also called Sales Director, Director of Sales, Sales Director/Head, or sometimes Chief Sales Officer.

Welcome to the jungle of Sales lexicon ! These job descriptions are there to help you see more clearly.

What are the role, the missions of a Sales Manager?

The missions and responsibilities of a Sales Manager vary from one company to another. In general, the tasks are organized around selling, finding Sales people to recruit (as well as training and coaching them), defining the sales strategy, and reporting on sales activities (KPIs). He or she is thus required to:

  • Selling

Whether by executing prospecting sequences or by managing customer appointments, the Sales Manager develops the startup's sales. He must achieve his goals every quarter.

  • Hire sales team members

The role of the Sales Manager within his company is also organized around the Sales recruitment. To form his team, he recruits both BizDev, of SDR/BDR And Account Executives. He creates job descriptions and interviews to find new talent. He can be accompanied by a Talent Acquisition Manager at the start of the processes.

  • Train and manage the Sales team

The Sales Manager is also responsible for providing team members with the resources (tools, methods, advice, etc.) necessary to Closer. He supervises each Sales, both Seniors and Juniors, on the company's products or services and on sales processes and techniques.

For develop sales skills of the team, he organizes training sessions, Workshops, and updates internal resources. He also follows Sales by organizing individual or team points to assess their progress and help them meet the challenges they face.

  • Oversee sales strategy

The Sales Manager defines sales process and best practices for the Sales team to follow. It defines target markets and establishes goals, sales quotas. They determine the channels that the team will use to Closer New Deals.

  • Collaborate with other departments in the company

The Sales Manager works closely collaboration with other departments in contact with customers, such as Marketing and Customer Success, in order to advance Deals in the sales pipeline.

He often collaborates with Marketing to create sales support materials, improve their vision of Buyer Personas and develop targeted campaigns. The Sales Manager also helps marketing managers better understand the customer by sharing knowledge and giving them access to customer data.

It also shares customer feedback with the Product Team so they can improve the product or service.

Sales Manager vs. Head of Sales

Sales Manager : la définition

The job of Sales Manager and Head of Sales are often confused, so it is important to draw a line between these two roles. Let's compare.

The Sales Manager and the Head of Sales are both Sales team manager (s). They are part of the same hierarchy, follow the mission of the company and set goals.

While a Sales Manager Manage a team of salespeople, a Head of Sales manage one or more Sales Manager (s). This means that a Sales Manager communicates with their team and reports to a Head of Sales, while the Head of Sales is responsible for top-down communication.

In addition, a Head of Sales is responsible for creating a sales strategy and decision making, while the Sales Manager's job is to implementing, the tracking And the control of the sales strategy. Finally, while a Sales Manager is responsible for a particular region assigned to him, a Head of Sales must control all the regions under his supervision.

In summary, the Sales Manager is responsible for:

  • the execution, implementation, monitoring and control of the sales strategy;
  • from a designated region;
  • employee training and development;
  • the achievement of sales quotas for the region;
  • of upward and downward communication.

The Head of Sales, for his part, is responsible for:

  • sales strategy, decision making and strategic management of marketing teams;
  • top-down communication;
  • the formation and development of the new sales region;
  • Sales managers;
  • sales from all regions under his supervision.

What are the qualities of a good Sales Manager?

Les qualités d'un bon Sales Manager ?

What is a good sales manager?

  • Be empathetic

A good sales manager has empathy. In fact, he must identify problems underlying issues that his team faces by putting himself in the shoes of his collaborators and by listening to them. By taking into account the point of view of his team, by listening to his needs, the Sales Manager will be able to establish a relationship of trust with your team.

Lack of empathy could lead the Sales Manager to put too much pressure on his Sales and negatively impact the performance of his team.

  • Demonstrate resilience

A good Sales Manager is resilient to leading your team through difficult times and motivating them daily.

Giving clear goals that are based on a vision that everyone can understand allows you to keep things in perspective instead of giving in to irrational thoughts in the face of obstacles or failures. It must have good resistance to stress.

  • Leadership spirit

The Sales Manager exists to meet the needs of customers and the Sales team, not the other way around. He must adopt a certain leadership toensure the adherence of your team and be supported and appreciated.

To develop this skill, a Sales Manager takes the time to listen to everyone's needs, questions, and concerns. He will then be in a position to help his salespeople overcome their difficulties.

  • Communication skills

A good Sales Manager has to communicate with many people: the Marketing team, Customer Success Managers, Account Managers, Sales and management. Do not underestimate the ability to deliver clear messages and transparencies of his team and his observations.

Good communication also lies in the right tone of voice for each type of situation. By practicingActive listening he pays attention to his interlocutor, colleague as well as customer.

How do you be a good sales manager?

  • To be a Problem solver

Managing the Sales team is about overcoming the various obstacles that can arise during sales cycles, whether it's a Deal delayed or from an unsatisfied customer. A good sales manager Anticipate problems and reacts appropriately.

A Sales Manager is expected to think outside the box to solve problems, to be creative and critical to identify the right solutions to the problems.

  • Be the source of motivation for your team

Sales people often need an extra push to continue Closer Of Deals, especially after being refused. A good Sales Manager can intervene to cheer up of their team and give everyone theWant to go find the next ones Leads.

  • Delegate to better manage your time

A good sales manager means wearing a lot of hats. But sometimes, it's necessary to entrust tasks to members of the Sales team. The delegation frees up time for focus on the most important aspects and allows the Sales team to take on more responsibilities and develop their skills. In this way, the trust And the supportive are installed in both directions.

How do I become a Sales Manager?

Comment devenir Sales Manager ?

Skills required

  • Managing a team;
  • Good interpersonal and communication skills;
  • Know how to organize yourself, manage your time and delegate;
  • Avoir ou développer un esprit de leadership ;
  • Faire preuve de détermination, de rigueur, d’empathie et de résilience ;
  • Avoir un esprit critique, créatif et problem-solver ;
  • Avoir la fibre entrepreneuriale et commerciale.

Diplômes, formations et études nécessaires

Aujourd’hui, peu de formations universitaires permettent de se préparer à ce métier. Cependant, une formation dans une école de commerce ou d’ingénieur à niveau bac +3 à 5 est très recommandée. Après au moins 5 années d’expérience commerciale, il est possible d’envisager de devenir Sales Manager.

Une autre solution est néanmoins possible. En effet, des formations courtes et intensives existent pour former aux métiers du Sales & Business Development, comme chez Akimbo. Le Bootcamp à Temps Plein (9 semaines) ou Temps Partiel (12 semaines) permettent d’acquérir toutes les compétences et connaissances nécessaires pour exercer des métiers tels que Business Developer, Account Manager, Sales Manager ou se lancer dans l’entrepreneuriat.

À l’issue de la formation, les talents sont totalement opérationnels et prêts à entamer leur nouvelle carrière avec les méthodes, outils et process attendus par les recruteurs.

En quelques mots, les Bootcamps de 9 semaines :

  • couvrent l’intégralité du cycle de vente et les compétences nécessaires : go-to-market, données commerciales, conception et exécution des séquences de prospection, appels à froid, rendez-vous client, gestion de comptes et vente complexe ;
  • sont construits et enseignés par des Sales Coachs, possédant plus d’une dizaine d’années d’expérience dans l’industrie afin de partager leur expertise, connaissances, et vous accompagner tout le long de la formation ;
  • sont davantage orientés vers la pratique que la théorie : plus de 70% du temps de formation est consacré à des projets pour le compte de vraies startups ;
  • peuvent être suivis à distance comme en présentiel dans un écosystème de startups à Paris ;
  • sont recommandés par 98% d’Alumni,
  • ont formé plus de 500 Alumni.
Découvrez le Bootcamp Akimbo et devenez business developer

Profils de reconversion adaptés

Nous avons observé qu’il n’existe pas de profils types pour devenir Sales Manager. Les profils qui se reconvertissent et qui sont aujourd’hui Sales Manager ont des parcours divers. On peut retrouver notamment des expériences professionnelles telles que :

  • Commercial ou Business Developer ;
  • Gestion de comptes clients ;
  • Management commercial ;
  • Spécialiste en marketing ;
  • Négociateur(trice) commercial(e) ;
  • Consultant(e).

Quelles évolutions de carrière pour ce poste ?

L’évolution classique après des années d’expérience en tant que Sales Manager est le métier de Head of Sales, Sales Director ou Directeur des Ventes. En outre, un Sales Manager peut évoluer vers des responsabilités avec des secteurs plus challengeants et importants et devenir EMEA (Europe, Moyen-Orient, et Afrique) Sales Manager par exemple.

Quel est le salaire d'un Sales Manager ?

Sales Manager : la définition

Combien gagne un Sales Manager ?

Pour la grande majorité des métiers en Sales & Business Development, les salaires sont présentés sous forme de package, c'est-à-dire avec une part fixe et une part variable.

Ces parts sont décidées généralement par le Head of Sales ou Directeur des Ventes pour récompenser jusqu’à 25% des employés les plus efficaces. Dans le salaire, la part du variable peut représenter 50% de la rémunération totale.

Le salaire d'un Sales Manager dépend de plusieurs éléments, tels que le secteur d’activité, le marché, l’expérience, le business model, etc.
En moyenne, un Sales Manager perçoit un salaire entre 55 k€ et 75 k€ brut annuel.

Salaire Sales Manager Junior

Pour un Sales Manager Junior, au début de sa carrière, la rémunération brute annuelle est généralement de 35 k€.

Salaire Sales Manager Senior

Pour un Sales Manager Senior, au bout de 5 ans d’expérience, peut espérer viser la plus haute fourchette, à savoir entre 85 k€ et 110 k€ annuelle brute.

Les différents métiers et postes

Quel est le salaire d'un Sales Manager ?

Les intitulés à connaître

  • Sales Development Manager ;
  • Sales Account Manager ;
  • Sales Director (ou Directeur des Ventes) ;
  • Head of Sales ;
  • Chief Sales Officer ;
  • VP Sales ;
  • Head of Global Sales ;
  • Head of Export Sales.

What is a Sales Account Manager?

The Sales Account Manager is responsible for finding new potential customers, oversees sales activities and Undertake the first exchanges. He is in contact with the Sales, Product and Marketing team to ensure customer satisfaction and the generation of new business opportunities.

What is a Head of Sales?

The Head of Sales, also known as Sales Director, delineates, articulates and Implements the organization's sales strategy of products or services. He develops forecasts and strategies to make sales at price levels that ensure profitability. He actively seeks out important customers and establishes good relationships with influencers and key buyers.

What is a Chief Sales Officer?

A Chief Sales Officer (CSO) heads the entire Sales department and Directs all activities related to sales generation for an organization. He oversees, develops, and leads daily sales strategies and manages sales goals. He analyzes current sales, assesses sales effectiveness, and realizes the need to create a sales strategy that will deliver better results.

What is a VP Sales?

The VP Sales, or Vice President of Sales, Lead the team or the sales department and has the function ofidentify sales targets and goals, and to make every effort to reach them.

Our advice for entering the right job offer

Nos conseils pour saisir la bonne offre d'emploi

Finding a Sales Manager Job

Identifying the right Sales Manager job offer means being able to identify job descriptions that are serious, credible and that communicate the right information with logical reasoning.

Indeed, several platforms publish offers without first checking and validating them, which can quickly overwhelm the candidate with a quantity of irrelevant offers. In this case, prefer sites like Welcome To The Jungle, JobTeaser, or LinkedIn. You will save time.

By browsing these sites, you will be faced with job offers where the presentation of the offer and its content attest to the relevance and credibility of the proposed position and of the company. If you can quickly find numerical data, a careful presentation, and essential information, then you are in luck.

The main information to identify is the team and management style, the sector of activity, the size of the company, personal support or even the corporate culture.

Of course, the offer must also provide information essential to a good understanding of the recruiter's expectations for the Sales Manager position, for example:

  • Responsibilities, roles and missions of the position ;
  • The tools used ;
  • The product or service marketed ;
  • The sales cycle.

Once you have all these elements in your possession, you can immediately determine if you are relevant for the post. Even if some skills are lacking, do not hesitate to try your luck: Your level of motivation will make a difference. Remember that many businesses have processes forOnboarding or well-designed internal training courses, and can fill this gap.

How do you recruit a good Sales Manager?

Comment recruter un bon Sales Manager ?

Recruiting a Sales Manager for your structure is find the right person Who will make sure convert your prospects and avoid wasting time and money. Sales are now the lifeblood.

To do this, you are looking for your future Sales Manager who can lead, encourage and bring out the best in their team. To do so, here are some tips to help you find and hire a Sales Manager.

Initially, a Sales Manager has many different facets that require a variety of fundamental characteristics. Expected skills depend on your business culture and sales cycle, but here are some of the most important ones:

  • Management experience

It's important to have sales experience and team management expertise.

  • Recruiting

A good Sales Manager is able to build a harmonious, collaborative and motivated Sales team to ensure optimal efficiency and a good overall atmosphere.

  • Anticipatory capacity

What works on your team may not work tomorrow, so you'll need a Sales Manager who can predict and anticipate future needs and help their team adapt accordingly.

  • Coachability

A good sales manager knows that there is always room for improvement. If a candidate thinks they have all the answers, they're probably not relevant to the position you're offering.

  • Strong decision-making ability

As a Sales Manager, his job is to make important decisions, both for the Sales team and for the company as a whole. The ability to do this consistently is critical.

Also, be sure to Asking the right questions. The answers you receive should help you better identify who is the best fit for your business. In addition to the introductory questions, incorporate more in-depth questions like:

  • What makes you a great Sales Manager?
  • What skills and soft-skills do you think are essential to succeed with us?
  • How do you find great Sales people to add to the team?
  • How do you motivate your Sales?
  • What training methods do you think are the most effective?
  • How do you explain what our company does to someone who doesn't know our company?

Making a list of skills and experience is certainly interesting, but it is not enough to really assess what each candidate brings. To do this, you will need to challenge the candidate by putting him in front of a Business Game, or practical case.

In a second step, take note of its possible recommendations and take the time to make reference sockets. That way, you'll know more about the candidate and know more about what to expect.

A little extra: why not organize a upkeep Team Fit to confront the candidate against the rest of your team, in order to assess him more on personality. It is a good opportunity to gather valuable opinions and to get an overview of its impact on the overall agreement.

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