Job description - Commercial B To B

April 2024
7 Min

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Good Btob salespeople have been very popular in recent years and are increasingly difficult to find unless you know where to look, after which training to attract them to your business.

The difference between a B2C sales and B2B, is not necessarily understood by everyone. In fact, a sales team oriented B2B and B2C will not behave in the same way. Indeed, BtoB often requires much more rigor and organization that does not leave room for error. A single customer in B2C can have an average basket of €50 when this can be €5K or even hundreds of K€ for some B2B companies.

The missions of a B2B salesperson

As part of his function, the BtoB salesperson takes on various missions. The main one is to develop and manage the portfolio of its customers, often in geographical areas targeted by the companies themselves.

To better understand the profession, it is necessary to clearly explain the meaning of the abbreviation “B To B”. The latter is still written B2B or BtoB, and is translated by the English term “business-to-business”.

The concept refers to commercial relationships between two companies as well as the means used in exchanges. B To B reports focus on products as well as services.

Tailor-made services

It offers services adapted to the field of activity of each company. To achieve his goals, the professional must have perfect control of the product or service he is promoting. He must be in a position to explain their characteristics. In addition, it must draw the attention of prospects to The advantages of its offers and that are not found among the competition.

To achieve their goals, the BtoB salesperson must first identify potential prospects. He must gather information from them that can help him in his work. Only then can he start canvassing in order to seal the sale. The latter is materialized by a contract. We will then talk about “sales” or “service” contract depending on whether it relates to a transfer of ownership or to one or more services.

Prospecting on behalf of businesses

A B2B salesperson is a professional whose main task is to canvass businesses on behalf of other companies. The aim is to get the former to buy the products or to request the services of the latter. It operates in all sectors of activity authorized by law. The final objective of this commercial is to increase the turnover of its customers, and its own at the same time.

présentaion d'un plan de développement commercial

The skills expected of a good BtoB salesperson

The business-to-business commercial profession requires certain skills that are essential to succeed in the sector.

A good mastery of customer relationships

La customer relationship is the central element of the B To B sales profession. At the center of his activity, the salesperson uses a CRM “Customer Relationship Management”. It allows him to follow his interactions with his customers.

The customer relationship encompasses the various stages of the sales process. Ranging from prospecting to after-sales service, it consists of a set of means and techniques aimed at creating and maintaining a mutually beneficial relationship between the company and its customers.

Certain qualities are essential for good customer relationship management. The most important thing is to listen. Indeed, the BtoB seller must show himself attentive to the needs of its customers. Diplomacy is an essential quality in managing conflicts that may arise as a result of a sale. Then comes the strength of conviction.

The power to convince

The BtoB salesperson must be An ace in sales and negotiation. The conversion of prospects into customers requires a great deal of persuasion. To stand out, the seller must know how to make an argumentative speech based on the particularities of his offers compared to competing ones.

The patient is one of the essential qualities to excel in B2B sales. The salesperson must be able to working under pressure and stay calm in all circumstances.

Most of the time, the B To B salesperson works within a group of professionals in the field. To evolve, it is essential that he coordinates the work of his subordinates. He must ensure that everyone works to offer an impeccable service while ensuring the optimal profitability of his business.

An intermediary between customers and his company, he mobilizes, internally, the technical consultants. If framework contracts are necessary to conclude certain sales, he entrusts them to professionals in the field.

négociation commerciale

The curriculum to become a B To B salesperson

To exercise the commercial profession, the interested party must have, at least, a vocational baccalaureate specializing in trade or sales. However, it is advisable to reach the bac+2 level before starting out in the profession. Indeed, most companies require their salespeople to have a BTS in fields such as:

  • Commercial action;
  • Sales force;
  • Customer Relationship Negotiation

Holders of a DUT “Marketing techniques” are also among the most sought after for this profession. Even if the Bac Pro gives access to the profession, the chances of being hired in a company are very meager.

Les business and management schools offer B To B salespeople programs that can allow them to raise their level. Thanks to these trainings, they sharpen their skills and acquire more value on the job market.

To access more offers, aspiring B2B salespeople can, for example, obtain a bachelor's degree in the field. It is possible to go further in studies. Some recruiters require you to have a Bac+4 or Bac+5 delivered by a business school. It should also be mentioned that the remuneration is generally up to the requirements.

Few schools teach sales techniques. However, the learner is often required to complete his course with specific training. These focus on complex sales techniques (Business To Business). Among these methods, it is possible to list:

  • The Selling solution or selling by the solution;
  • Spin Selling;
  • Stategic Selling

attaché commercial B2B

What are the possible evolutions for a B2B sales attaché?

The job changes for a BtoB salesperson are numerous. With experience, he can be promoted to the position of sales manager or sales manager. He also has the option of being appointed sector manager. If he feels that he is not appreciated at his fair value, he has the option of changing recruiters and going working in a bigger company.

The remuneration of a BtoB salesperson

The salary for a B To B salesperson is quite attractive. In fact, this is one of the elements encouraging many people to take an interest in the profession. It breaks down into a fixed share and variable earnings depending on the objectives achieved. The second part of the remuneration is granted in various forms, ranging from sales commissions to bonuses to bonuses on turnover.

The average salary for a B2B salesperson at the beginning of their career is around €30,000 net per month. It is set according to the level and level of experience of the employee. Sometimes, businesses grant benefits in kind such as a company vehicle (with travel and maintenance expenses covered). Some BtoB salespeople benefit from a telephone or even a computer.

In France, for example, the average annual income of a B2B salesperson is approximately €50K gross.

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