Job description - Commercial coach

April 2024
7 Min

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The sales coach trains salespeople. It participates in the development of salespeople's skills to ensure that the company meets its sales goals and obtain better results.

Like the manager, the sales coach has an important place among Sales & Business Development jobs. It assesses the improvement points Of Commercials, their strengths, their sales methods And their performances to provide them with tips necessary for the growth of turnover. On the terrain in venture or at distance in his own office, he participated in the salesperson training and at the establishment of the business strategy.

At Akimbo, you will find several sales coaches within our coaching activity.

Sales coach: the definition

An experienced salesman and manager, he has followed a training course in coaching that allows him to know how to support his team and provide it with motivation and advice in given situations. Fine connoisseur of business practices and different sales process, he knows how to adapt to the needs of businesses and sales teams to adjust his accompanying method and enable them to improve their performance.

What is the role of a Sales Coach?

By definition, its role is to Coaching, in other words to analyze and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of salespeople to better advise them in their sales process. He seeks to bring them the necessary tools and knowledge to achieve their goals.

Beyond numbers and performances, it also plays an important role in team support : it helps salespeople stay motivated and confidentHer skills. Step by step, it thus allows the development of Hard Skills And Soft Skills salespeople to ensure both business growth and the cohesion of the sales team.

Meeting commercial

Main missions of the Commercial Coach

On the land in business or remotely from his office, his missions remain relatively the same:

- Analysis and measurement of commercial data, results and company situation

- Support in optimizing sales, prospecting and customer approach techniques to achieve turnover objectives

- Assessment of the skills and areas for improvement of salespeople as well as of the company's commercial strategy

- Listening, support and motivation of sales team members

- Development of tools and action plans, transmission of best practices and advice to optimize the performance of salespeople

Qualities to have for this position

To guarantee optimal support, the best sales coaches are obviously endowed with a certain good listening skills and good analytical skills. Strong of a team spirit, they know how to federate and communicate with sales representatives as with the manager to optimize the results of the company.

Observers, they can take a step back to objectively assess the strengths and areas of improvement of each salesperson in order to provide them with adapted advice and methods. The leadership, interpersonal skills and customer focus are also fundamental to the successful completion of their trade missions.

Réunion avec un coach commercial

What is the salary of a Sales Coach?

How much does a Sales Coach earn?

The wage Of a sales coach may vary depending on numerous criteria : depending on thethe seniority, the size of the structure, the length and the type of mission, or even the region in which they work. Also, the statute can influence the remuneration received: in fact, those who work independently are free to set their own rates and their number of weekly hours according to their customers.

Junior Sales Coach Salary

On average, it is estimated that the Salary at the start of a career varies between €2,000 and €3,000 gross per month, in other words around €30,000 gross per year. A self-employed person will practice more hourly rate, which makes it more difficult to estimate your monthly salary since each professional has their own schedule, and therefore its own hourly volume. Beginner coaches usually practice a hourly rate from 150 to 300€.

Senior Sales Coach Salary

En middle and end of career, The salary rather revolves around 40 K€ to 80 K€ per year, this amount may be influenced by the location of the professional and the missions he carries out. As for hourly rate of the self-employed, it reaches the 500 to 800€ after several years of professional experience.

Coach Commercial Senior

How do I become a Sales Coach?

If there is no specific degree required to become sales coach, it is essential to have at least one coaching training and several experiments professionals in the sales environment to exercise this profession - insofar as it requires solid business knowledge and a certain know-how in the field of management.

Skills needed to become a Sales Coach

To effectively coach teams, it is necessary to have some management concepts to identify the needs and abilities of each salesperson, in order to be able to adapt his methods and thus improve the overall performance of salespeople. The mastery of negotiation, sales and customer prospecting techniques and the knowledge of CRM tools are obviously crucial in order to perform this function.

Great abilities to take a step back andobservation of the company's situation are also part of the prerequisites for determine the actions to be put in place to ensure business development and revenue growth.

Formation Sales

What training courses to become a Sales Coach?

Multiple training courses may be appropriate to access this type of position, whether it is a Bac+2, a Bac+3 or a Bac+5. The main thing is above all to move towards a commercial path and/or a specialization in management. 

A BTS, a DUT, a Bachelor or a Master in business school are therefore ideal. In addition to this commercial knowledge, you will have to add a coaching training, to allow the candidate to learn to Coaching, in other words, monitoring, motivating and advising your teams.

What career developments are there for this position?

If he wants to work independently, his career can focus on growth of your own business and, possibly, the creation of a commercial coaching firm.

Attached to the company, a sales coach can evolve into positions of high responsibility, such as those of sales manager Or of marketing director. With a degree of coaching, he can also reorient himself to coach in other areas.

Devenir Coach Commercial

FAQ: Becoming a Sales Coach

What baccalaureate to be a Commercial Coach?

There is no no specific tray required to exercise this profession: candidates can absolutely borrow the Professional path or the general path. The important thing is above all to be interested in the commercial sector and by the coaching environment. It may therefore be appropriate to opt for specialized subjects in sales and management as early as high school.

What are the appropriate retraining profiles?

A prima facie, of numerous profiles can access a career of sales coach, provided you have a appetite for the commercial environment And of Wish to learn to coach. As for any other candidate, you will therefore have to follow a coaching training and multiply professional experiences to build a solid base of knowledge in management and sales.

Formation Sales
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