Job Description - Commercial Strategy Consultant

April 2024
7 Min

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A key position in the commercial development of a structure, he assists the company in the development and monitoring of a strategy to increase its sales.

En Cabinet, independently as part of an agency Wage portage or within a company, its role is crucial in the growth of a Business. A true pillar ofsales team, It supports the Commercials and advise the manager to help him solve various problems, achieve his goals of vending and improve its turnover. At Akimbo, you will find several commercial strategy consultants within our consultancy activity.

Commercial Strategy Consultant: the definition

Because of its external position, it Analyze the market as well as the operation and the company results To establish An action plan tailor-made and help his shopper To the installation of this one. Son activity is therefore based onaccompanying And the guidance to allow its patrons to improve their sales techniques, their distribution channels or even their communication methods, in order to to increase their turnover.

What is the role of a Commercial Strategy Consultant?

By bringing its expertise in the Marketing mix and the various strategic decisions, its role is to help undertakings To rethink their tools And their organization system to be more effective and sell more products. This involves a parses Constant of marketplace to understand the challenges and business opportunities. Exercised independently with multiple customers simultaneously or attached to A single company, this job consists in bringing advice and recommendations on the procedure to follow for remain competitive and profitable.

Réunion sur le rôle d'un Consultant Stratégie Commerciale

Main missions of the Commercial Strategy Consultant

On a daily basis, his missions The main ones are generally the following:

- Business analysis and its problems (in terms oforganizing, of communication, distribution and more generally the Marketing mix...)

- Market study and the competition

- Development of strategic objectives and action plan to reach them

- Setting up steps and tools needed for get these results, prospecting customers or employees

If he offers his Freelance services With a wage portage agency or in a Cabinet, the detail of these Missions can vary according to businesses. In addition, he is also required to produce prospecting For his professional network and to manage the growth of its own business.

Qualities to have for this position

As for all of the commercial professions, it is essential to have a certain sense oforganizing, a Relational ease and to be at Listening to your customer. Know how to demonstrate of initiative, have good observation skills, synthesis and being reactive are also prerequisites for exercising this Occupation.

Since it is an activity based on guidance, it is necessary to be Strength of proposal and to master The art of communication to present his ideas to his customer. Also, if one is not attached to A single company, you have to be rigorous and methodical When you have to juggle between multiple customers, because it involves managing several different needs and situations at the same time.

In any case, it is a function that requires a team spirit, to be able to work hand in hand with the manager and sales representatives, as well as a certain flexibility to be able to adapt to an environment with constantly evolving challenges.

Discussion sur la Stratégie Commerciale

How do I become a Business Strategy Consultant?

There are multiple trainings allowing to obtain the skills and diplomas required to become commercial strategy advisor. In addition, if you want to work in a PEO firm or agency, you will also have to take the steps to obtain the auto-entrepreneur status.

Skills needed to become a Business Strategy Consultant

Among the skills required to carry out the missions incumbent on this Occupation, we find in particular knowledge in marketing and management, as well as in market analysis And in commercial development.

If the needs of a business vary from one customer to another, having a solid knowledge base makes it possible to deal with many situations andadapt its methods to propose a action plan and appropriate tools. Mastering project management is also essential to be able to successfully complete a mission from start to finish, and to ensure its success.

A few Financial concepts can also be useful for keeping a budget in mind when you want to set up a concrete action plan. Finally, Professional English as well as a possible other foreign language are very important when you want to work with international customers.

What training courses to become a Commercial Strategy Consultant?

In terms of training, candidates for these professions are generally expected to have a Bac+5 in the field of commerce, for example in management, marketing, consulting or business development. It is thus possible to have a degree in business school, engineering school or a master's degree at university : while there is no imperative as to the path followed, it is nevertheless important to have a minimum of knowledge in this environment.

What career developments are there for this position?

A professional who works independently, for example as part of a wage portage, and who wishes to remain self-employed can, over time, grow your own business and possibly open a Cabinet In which he will recruit additional sales consultants.

For those who prefer to join a structure, it is entirely possible to consider a career with senior positions as a sales manager, project manager or even marketing director.

Consultant Stratégie Commerciale

FAQ: Becoming a Business Strategy Consultant

What baccalaureate to be a Commercial Strategy Consultant?

This job is available to candidates who have obtained a Professional baccalaureate as a general baccalaureate — it is therefore entirely possible to take one of these routes like the other, according to one's own preferences. The important thing is above all to have An attraction for the retail sector and to give priority to the subjects that teach it.

What are the appropriate retraining profiles?

There are multiple profiles who can consider retraining in this field, provided they have a minimum commercial knowledge And a some professional experience In the middle of business and sales. If you already have a Bac+5, it is totally possible to take over a short specialization training to acquire the knowledge and diplomas necessary to the exercise of this profession.

Devenir Consultant Stratégie Commerciale

What is the salary of a Commercial Strategy Consultant?

How much does a Business Strategy Consultant earn?

The wage may vary depending on numerous criteria such as seniority, the city in which the professional works, or even his status. In fact, the commercial advisers Exercising in Cabinet or as part of a Wage portage can choose their own rates and their hourly volume.

Junior Business Strategy Consultant Salary

On average, it is estimated that the salary is around 28 K€ to 32 K€ gross per year in early career. For example, the high range concerns more profiles working in Paris or working multiple hours as freelancers.

Senior Business Strategy Consultant Salary

In the middle and late stages of career, This salary is more around €40K to €50K gross per year. Again, the low range is fairly representative of professionals working in the provinces, or attached to a venture for which they did not choose the rates charged.

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