Job description - CRM Manager

April 2024
7 Min

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The CRM Manager is a Swiss Army knife at the crossroads of digital marketing, data and project management. It seeks to acquire new customers, retain them and improve the satisfaction rate.

While the vast majority of customer interactions are now automatically followed in tools like the CRM, the CRM Manager is essential to develop the business.

Among the Sales & Business Development jobs, he participates in the optimization of the various acquisition channels (e.g. email marketing, sms, mail...) and seeks to be integrated into a global customer relationship strategy. He clearly focuses his work on collecting and analyzing marketing data. It is often found in businesses with B2C customers (e.g. e-commerce).

CRM Manager: definition

Meaning of the word and translation

The CRM project manager (Customer Relationship Management), also called CRM manager, is responsible for managing the customer relationship. It sets up marketing campaigns and programs that aim to: generate leads (prospects), while ensuring long-term customer satisfaction.

Its objective is to study and then choose the best communication channels with customers. Data analysis allows him to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the company. It is therefore a job at the heart of a company's acquisition strategy.

What is the role of a CRM Manager?

Its main objective is to deploy marketing techniques to generate leads (prospects): creation of sales funnels, email sequences for onboarding prospects, automation, etc.

He or she takes care of Exceed customer expectations in enriching their experience of navigation through the various media: website, social networks, SaaS platforms. Its ultimate goal is to build loyalty ! In fact, customer relationships are present throughout the buying process, but also after the purchase in order to maintain contact with customers.

The CRM manager therefore works in close relationship with the company's management (CEO, marketing director, sales or even financial director). It is often used to budget the strategy, especially when it includes SEA (e.g. Google Ads).

The CRM manager is part of the global strategy and reports on his analyses and areas of development to his employees. For companies that sell in the field, the feedback from salespeople (and the control of their actions) is essential for him to validate the relevance of his decisions.

Its missions are based on several axes:

  • Strategy design

Before implementing the strategy, CRM first analyzes the needs and the company performance regarding customer relationships. For example, it will analyze potential bottlenecks (e.g. registration), and refine marketing positioning based on the data collected. The CRM database generally consists of email addresses, age, gender, websites, purchase history, or even consumer habits.

He will transform the data he collects into commercial information. He will evaluate loyalty channels (emails, phone calls) and propose strategies based on their performance. The CRM Manager must ensure that the entire database is created in compliance with the RGPD (General Data Protection Regulation).

Marketing and sales departments need CRM project managers to manage marketing campaigns, sales, and programs.

For example, he will perform the segmentation of the company's customers, develop a strategy Cross-channel or Omni-channel, study the performance of social networks to adapt the strategy.

  • The implementation of the strategy

In order to implement his strategy, the CRM manager will choose the most suitable monitoring platform for its business and its customers. With his team, he will ensure that all the information is well listed. He will also negotiate offers or benefits with the company's partners if there are any.

  • The management of CRM tools

For the strategy to take place as best as possible, the CRM manager will regularly analyze the performance with tests, KPIs and adjust them in case of error, update the database regularly. Always with the aim of improving commercial performance.

He will also manage the teams working around the project: by training them to use the tools and by motivating them to achieve the objectives.

Quel est le rôle d'un CRM Manager ?

What are the qualities of a good CRM Manager?

What is the profile of a good CRM Manager?

A good CRM Manager has several qualities in addition to the skills that are required of him.

He must:

  • Have a good sense of communication and contact: he works transversely with numerous departments and must be able to express his ideas clearly and transmit them to the various teams
  • Be an observer: The CRM Manager must be on the lookout for key information but also has a talent for detecting flaws.
  • Take initiatives: since he determines new strategies, he should not be afraid to propose them, test them or fail.

In addition, it is important in this job to have solid skills in computer science, management, statistics but especially marketing.

How do I become a CRM Manager?

Skills required

Many skills are expected to be able to meet the expectations of this position. Here are a few of them:

  • Sense of analysis
  • Mastery of office tools and software
  • Rigor
  • Commercial fiber
  • Creativity

But also:

  • Management
  • Commercial law
  • Project management
  • Budget Management
  • Business intelligence (BI) tools

Training, studies and experiences required

In general, a CRM Manager has completed a master's degree at a university, IEP or business school with a specialization in digital marketing or customer relationship management. However, it is possible to access this position, after a DUT or BTS specializing in customer relations or even an economic, legal or commercial license, but with at least 5 years of experience.

In terms of experiences, it is essential to have done project management and to have worked with computer science and statistical analysis.

Adapted conversion profiles

A profile who has carried out strategic marketing or digital marketing can fully qualify for a CRM Manager position. Even without a degree, experience and motivation will speak for themselves. It is then possible to benefit from training to practice the profession.

What career developments are there for this position?

After several years working in this job, a CRM Manager can evolve into other jobs such as marketing manager, CRM consultant or even within the management in marketing, commercial or CRM.

Comment devenir CRM Manager ?

What is the salary for a CRM Manager?

Like most jobs, salaries depend on the size of the company, the sector, years of experience but also on whether he works alone or if he manages a team.

Junior CRM Manager Salary

As far as remuneration is concerned, a Junior CRM Manager can receive between €34K and €40K per year, for an experience of up to 3 years.

CRM Manager salary

Between 2 and 5 years of experience, a CRM Manager can expect to get a salary ranging from €40K to €70K.

Senior CRM Manager Salary

As for the Senior Manager, his experience exceeds 5 years. With this wealth of skills and knowledge, he can claim a salary of more than €70,000 per year.

Different related commercial jobs

The titles you need to know

  • CRM manager
  • Digital CRM manager
  • CRM project manager
  • CRM manager
  • Customer Project Manager

What is a CRM manager?

A CRM manager supports the CRM manager on the deployment of tools and the management plan. He will help develop and pilot the marketing plan in collaboration with the teams, then coordinate the database with the data in the CRM tool.

What is a CRM project manager?

The aim of the CRM project manager is to set up all the necessary tools to the follow-up of the customer relationship. He also monitors exchanges to better understand the company's customers and their expectations. Sometimes, he is responsible for recruiting new prospects or customers and retaining them.

What is a CRM manager?

The role of a CRM manager is monitor and maintain relationships with customers thanks to the loyalty program set up by his company. Depending on the size of his company, his missions vary. Generally, it collects the various information from the customer database and identifies loyalty channels.

Différents métiers commerciaux liés

Our tips for finding a CRM Manager job

To find the right CRM Manager job offer, start by choosing recognized job search sites such as JobTeaser or Welcome To The Jungle.

The offer must be of high quality! It is often representative of the company, is it well developed, with a pleasant format?

Regarding information, the main ones to look for are:

  • The team and the management style
  • The sector of activity
  • Business size
  • Personal support: onboarding, internal training,...;
  • Company culture

However, they are not the only ones. It is now important to ensure that you have the information useful for the job directly. In particular, we are thinking of:

  • What are the responsibilities?
  • What would be the daily missions?
  • What tools are used?

Having the answers to these questions will allow you to better understand what is expected of you and to be sure whether or not you correspond to the profile sought for this job.

How to recruit the right CRM Manager in France?

There are many candidates, so to recruit a good CRM Manager, you must make sure that he has the skills corresponding to the job. He must be able to clearly define the positioning and planning of the CRM project, collect and analyze customer needs.

His analytical mind and his open-mindedness are essential to successfully carry out the CRM project. Since customers have a strong power over the impact of the business, it is necessary for them to be satisfied with the services offered from before and after the sale of the good or service.

A CRM Manager must meet numerous criteria, which are essential in view of the importance of the CRM project. Skills depend on the culture, the structure of the company.. However, the most important are the following:

  • Management experience

In this profession, it is essential to know the various management tools and to know how to communicate well with stakeholders or with your team.

  • A good ability to analyze

He works as a team within the company and must know how to understand his team and the strengths of each one well as analyze customer data that will have to be assimilated.

  • Be ready to take responsibility

A good CRM Manager should regularly make important decisions for the CRM team and for the business as a whole.

Make sure you're asking the right questions! The answers you receive should help you better identify who is the best fit for your business. After the introductory questions, include more specific questions such as:

  • What makes you a great CRM Manager?
  • What skills and soft-skills do you think are essential to succeed with us?
  • What CRM tools do you think are the most effective?
  • How do you explain your job to someone who doesn't know it?

Comment recruter le bon CRM Manager en France ?
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