Job Description - International Negotiator

April 2024
7 Min

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The international negotiator is one of the company's representatives on the global stage. He specializes in the promotion, prospecting and sale of products in a clearly defined geographical area.

He is responsible for supervising activities within the said territory and ensures compliance with the various agreements. This professional also plays a key role in exchanges between suppliers, Thesales team of the company and the customers.

International negotiator: the definition

The international negotiator is the professional in charge of defend the interests of the company within the framework of extraterritorial agreements. He focuses on a specific area, studies it and gradually succeeds in establishing himself on the market. He is a salesperson who is at the same time reliable, competent and versatile.

What are the other names for the international negotiator position?

Businesses that don't use the term “international trader” refer to this position by nicknames like “supplier” or even “buyer”. These terms refer to a specific facet of the negotiating profession and indirectly expose business trends.

What is the role of an international negotiator?

The role of the international negotiator can be summed up in two points: transform the population of a specific area into potential customers and then meet expectations. He is therefore involved in prospecting for the company's products, studying the market, assessing customer needs and selecting supply routes.

He also takes care of the negotiation of sub-agreements with suppliers and takes care of the supervision of the project as a whole. Its objective is to ensure the development of the company in the area under its responsibility.

Discussion entre négociateurs`

What is the salary of an international negotiator?

In general, the company sets the salary of the international negotiator according to his know-how, his professional and his individual skills. But it is still possible to perform a estimate based on seniority.

According to this principle, a beginning international negotiator can qualify for A salary of 25-35 M€ per year. The exact amount varies from one company to another and is likely to be increased if the person concerned is bilingual or particularly competent.

As far as the senior international negotiator is concerned, he is entitled to approximately €60K per year, either 5000€ per month. Of course, he must have skills equivalent to such remuneration. This difference in treatment clearly reflects the importance of experience in this field of activity.

The main missions of the international negotiator

The international negotiator must carry out several missions as part of his activities. To begin with, he is responsible for determine the needs and expectations of potential customers. This makes it easier for the company to offer products that meet current circumstances.

Then he must establish a strategy likely to highlight your offer and to attract the interest of the target audience. To stay within the limits of his budget, he estimates future expenses and assesses the profitability of his marketing choices in the long term. Finally, the international negotiator is considered to be primarily responsible for the success or failure of the project. He is therefore at the heart of the operation and is personally responsible for validating each key step of the process.

Qualities to have for this position

To succeed in the world of international negotiation, it is essential to have a varied set of qualities. First of all, the international negotiator is often required to travel and regularly works with foreign entrepreneurs. So he must be bilingual and quite extroverted.

This position also requires excellent concentration skills and impeccable professionalism. You need to be able to complete your mission under pressure and pay attention to every detail of the operation. In addition, you must be mentally ready to let go of everything at the call of duty.

Finally, an international negotiator must have a keen sense of business. He plays the role of international representative and has the obligation to make decisions that are beneficial to the company.

negociateur international expliquant son plan

How to become an international negotiator?

To become an international negotiator, it is necessary to follow one of the various specialized courses in this field. This allows you to acquire the required skills and to be competitive in the job market. In addition, having good professional qualifications makes it possible to expect an interesting career development in the long term.

The skills needed to become an international negotiator

The skill set required to become an international negotiator is very strict. First of all, it must be understood that an international negotiator is first and foremost a salesperson. So he must master basic skills such as presenting, promoting and selling a product.

Then, international negotiation requires the professional to regularly change the environment. It is therefore necessary to demonstrateexcellent ability to adapt. In particular, the best negotiators are able to learn the basics of a language in a few days.

Finally, the international negotiator must be organized and mentally strong. Her profession requires a keen eye for detail and the ability to supervise staff for weeks or even months.

What training courses are needed to become an international negotiator?

International negotiation is available as early as Bac+2. To do this, all you have to do isGet a BTS International Commerce, Management of business units or negotiation and digitalization of customer relationships. If you want to start with a more advanced degree, it is recommended that you aim the professional license (Bac+3) or the master's degree in international trade (Bac+4). The training is more comprehensive and the prospects for career development are more interesting.

What career developments are there for this position?

There are several potential developments in the position of international negotiator. After you have proven yourself as a senior, you have the option of becoming either sales manager, or purchasing manager.

The first position focuses on defining the company's sales policy while the second is more interested in purchasing policy. You can also reach the rank of Business manager in order to manage agreements between certain customers and the company.

discussion négociateur international et sa secretaire

FAQ: Becoming an international negotiator

Which baccalaureate to become an international negotiator?

International negotiation is a profession that focuses on trade. The most suitable baccalaureate to become an international negotiator is therefore the Bac Pro Commerce. The next best option is probably the literary specialty Foreign Languages, Literatures and Cultures. It provides students with the basics of learning a foreign language, a key quality for a negotiator.

What are the appropriate retraining profiles?

The profession of international negotiator is compatible with many trades related to trade. That's why The salesmen and specialized marketing agents manage to reconvert quite easily. In addition, industrial buyers and sellers are used to orchestrate large-scale operations and have a well-filled supplier backlog. So they have every chance.

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