Job description - Commercial VEFA

April 2024
7 Min

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A key player in the real estate sector, the VEFA sales representative monitors the sale of real estate in a future state of completion. He listens to his customer and accompanies him throughout the purchase procedure.

This professional has remarkable versatility in the field of new real estate. It intervenes from the search for the property during its completion to the completion of its sale. The VEFA commercial is then a real relay betweensales team real estate agencies, real estate developers and buyers. But what are its missions really? How much does he get? How to become a good VEFA salesperson? This job sheet provides all the answers to his questions.

Commercial VEFA: the definition

Also called the VEFA negotiator, the VEFA salesperson is a professional mandated by a real estate developer. For the latter, he accompanies all clients interested in the acquisition of real estate in the future. For this purpose, the VEFA sales representative has been operating since Preparation of a financing request until the actual acquisition of real estate. He is then the customer's main point of contact throughout the buying process.

What is the role of a VEFA salesperson?

Given the complexity and extent of their work, the VEFA salesperson plays several roles in commercial exchanges in new real estate. At first glance, he contacts customers and identifies their various needs.

After a careful analysis of expectations, this professional sets out to propose appropriate solutions. He search for real estate in a future state of completion and offers visits to apartments that show 3D models that meet the needs of the client.

Its aim is to win over the client and for the latter to pursue his real estate purchase project. When the client is involved in the acquisition process, the VEFA sales representative supports him legally, financially, administratively and even financially.

What is the salary of a VEFA salesperson?

La VEFA sales representative remuneration is often not fixed. It consists of a fixed monthly income and performance bonuses. The salary of this professional is generally based on his skills, his diplomas, the company where he works and especially his performance.

Very often, a salesperson VEFA junior receives between 20,000 and 25,000 euros gross per year. With performance bonuses, this remuneration can reach the bar of 35,000 euros per year. As for a senior VEFA salesperson, thanks to his years of experience, earns more.

His salary is between 80,000 euros and 100,000 euros gross per year. However, it should be mentioned that women are victims of a significant wage disparity in this area. They can earn less than 20% of a man's salary with equal experiences.

Main missions of the VEFA Sales Representative?

The VEFA salesman is a jack of all trades in his sector. In this capacity, he carries out various missions in order to make several sales to his company. Among these, we have:

  • Identifying customer expectations;
  • Analysis of the financial and asset resources of the purchaser;
  • Assessing the financing capacity of the project;
  • Recommendation of the best monthly payments;
  • Legal support for the customer until the signing of the purchase act;
  • Administrative monitoring of real estate in a state of completion;
  • The federation of the various partners involved in the purchasing process;
  • Complete the dashboard to assess the progress of each file.

In more detail, the Commercial VEFA carries out an in-depth study of the financial situation of its client. He helps her put together her financing file to increase her chances of getting a loan from a banking institution. The objective is to help the client easily finance their project while enjoying better taxation.

Qualities to have for this position

To excel as a VEFA salesperson, it is important to have certain skills. Above all, this position is about negotiation. To exercise it, you need to have more than one trick up your sleeve when it comes to communication. You have to have the art of convincing. To be a good VEFA salesperson, you must have a sense of listening and analysis above average.

Exceling in this position requires to have a good relationship and to be versatile. Indeed, the preparation of financing applications and administrative follow-up require some knowledge in finance and administration. You must have reflexes in business and marketing and master certain procedures in the legal sector.

All the work that a VEFA salesperson must do requires a real sense of organization and rigor. He should never confuse files or give the impression to customers that he has forgotten information from the last exchanges. He is therefore a professional who takes regular notes to find himself more easily.

How to become a VEFA salesperson?

Even with these qualities, you will need some skills to meet the requirements of the VEFA sales position. Among these, we have:

  • Mastery of the art of sales and commercial techniques in the real estate sector;
  • Conducting a negotiation;
  • Setting up the banking system and the conditions for granting real estate loans;
  • Mastery of legal acquisition procedures under VEFA.

To apply for the position of VEFA sales representative, you must first follow a training course adapted to this function. One BTS in real estate professions Or a Professional license in real estate promotion is required.

You can become a VEFA salesperson by doing transversal training in his skills. A BTS or a Bachelor's degree in negotiation and digitalization of customer relationships will do the trick. With these same degrees in business unit management and experience as a real estate agent you can assume the responsibilities of this professional. However, it will take qualifying training in real estate law to be impeccable.

What career development for this position?

The VEFA sales profession is very evolving. With a few years of experience, you will rise through the ranks and your remuneration will also increase significantly. Also, the versatility acquired in this profession offers an ease of professional retraining in the commercial sector.

A VEFA salesperson can become real estate developer or real estate agent and after many years of experience, he can take up the position of sales manager in a real estate agency. This professional then has the possibility of creating his own business under VEFA.

FAQ: Becoming a VEFA salesperson

You have the skills required to exercise the profession of VEFA salesperson where this profession particularly appeals to you. Take the following steps to maximize your chances of being retained in this position.

What baccalaureate to be a VEFA salesperson?

To qualify for the VEFA sales position, you must pass a Professional bachelor's degree in commercial management. All you have to do is continue the course in a business school in the real estate sector to get a BTS or a DUT. With these scrolls, you can apply directly for this position.

Students who have done a Technological baccalaureate in management and management can become VEFA commercial. At the University, they will be able to obtain a Bachelor's degree in real estate management by specializing in the real estate business option. Those who claim to a higher professional level can do a Master Pro.

What are the appropriate retraining profiles?

The versatility required for the VEFA sales position offers the possibility for other professionals to easily retrain. So, a Sales manager And a Business manager in a commercial company can become a VEFA negotiator. All he needs to do is recycle some concepts in the new real estate sector.

One commercial agent can also do this job. Her communication skills and relationships will allow her to excel more easily. In short, a VEFA salesperson is a professional specialized in sale of real estate in a state of completiont. It supports its customers throughout the buying process.

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