Scamming and closing: shed some light on this sales activity

April 2024
7 Min

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Explore the world of closing to debunk scam allegations. Discover the realities of the sector and the precautions to take.

The controversies around the Closers and Closers raise a lot of questions. Some people wonder if being a Closer is really an opportunity to make a good living. Still others question the honesty of the people who promote this profession. What is the situation really and what is the opinion on the subject?

If you also want to know more about Closing, go to This page.

Discerning the true from the false

To understand the debate surrounding the closing, it is important to remember that the Closer business emerged with the use of the internet to sell. So it's a very recent profession.

closing arnaque
Attendees of the Akimbo Sales and Business Development Bootcamp

Many people in professional retraining wonder if it is a scam because of the income that some closers claim to earn. Let's find out what it really is.

What is closing?

The closing representsfinal stage of a commercial relationship during which a prospect chooses to buy and becomes a customer.

As part of the Closers' business, this conversion is based on the establishment of a relationship of trust, initiated by a well-constructed commercial discourse.

The approach of a seller when closing a sale to a company (Business or Business sale) is very different from that of a Closer. The latter sells services or products to individualss who have shown an interest in what is being sold during a marketing campaign.

The main objective of a good Closer is to understand the needs of a prospect and to present them with a suitable offer. He relies on exchange and active listening to close the sale, more than following a commercial script.

arnaque closing métier
Attendees of the Akimbo Sales and Business Development Bootcamp

Closing with individuals requires persuasion and communication skills, which is why it is often recommended to follow training to master them.

Or several training options exist to work as Closer:

  • Face-to-face training provided by specialized organizations
  • Online courses on dedicated platforms
  • Self-learning through multiple readings

The amounts of training and the revenues put forward are sometimes very high. Indeed, some claim to earn up to 10,000 euros per month. Many people therefore ask themselves whether this is also possible for them and whether a retraining in this profession is a good choice.

LDoes the closing really offer an opportunity to make a living?

The answer depends on the Closer's commitment and experience.

The very first thing to note is that it is rare to manage to make a living from closing at the beginning of your career when you are an independent Closer. Those who work in an agency can live well because in this case they benefit from an employment contract as well as a monthly salary.

Freelance Closers need to invest time to establish their reputation and develop a network solid number of customers. This initial phase is demanding, as it often involves building business relationships and building trust over time. Contrary to the popular belief that closing offers instant gains, the reality is that success requires patience and persistence.

le closing arnaque
A person who carries out the activity of Closer en cours d'appel

The substantial commissions, which are characteristic of closing, generally come from solid partnerships, especially with large companies. These partnerships are often the result of considerable effort to demonstrate its value as a reliable and competent Closer. However, it is important to remain realistic about financial expectations. Achieving a monthly salary of 10,000 euros, although possible for some, remains the exception rather than the norm.

Closing is a profession in which the income received varies considerably depending on factors such as:

  • The market niche
  • The Closer Experience
  • The effort invested

Closers who are successful in making a living are very determined. They refine their skills over time and work strategically to maximize their earnings. Success as an independent Closer is therefore an achievable reality for those who are ready to invest the necessary effort.

How to protect yourself from scams?

Now that you know what closing really is and what Closer does, how can you protect yourself against potential scams related to this activity?

Learn to detect dishonest practices

One of the most obvious indicators of a scam about the closing business is the promise of totally unrealistic earnings. If a closing program claims that you can make astronomical amounts of money in a very short period of time without effort, be careful.

Also, be wary of those who push you to make hasty decisions or invest large amounts of money without time to think.

Evaluate the Reliability of Training Courses

If you are considering taking a closing course, we recommend that you:

  1. Check references : ask the trainer for references from customers and former students of the training. Reliable trainers will be happy to provide you with testimonies or contacts so that you can get feedback from people who have completed their training. This will help you assess their reputation and the quality of their teaching.
  2. Consult the reviews on the web : do extensive online research to find reviews about the training you are considering. Assessment platforms, discussion forums, and social networks are great places to find unbiased training feedback. Read the positive and negative reviews carefully to get an objective view and avoid scams.
  3. Compare the prices and content of the various courses : don't automatically opt for the cheapest course. Compare the prices of the various courses with their content and duration. More expensive training can offer significant added value in terms of resources, teaching materials and support. Make sure that the training you choose fits your goals.
  4. Ensure continuous support : after the end of the program, the training should offer the opportunity to ask questions, receive updates on current closing trends and communicate with a community of Closers on the internet.

The keys to success in closing

To excel in closing, it is imperative to find the right balance between persuasion and ethics, carefully avoiding aggressive practices that could compromise your reputation in the long run.

Prioritize an approach focused on customer satisfaction, while integrating the following two fundamental elements:

Understand and persuade

The keys to success in closing lie in mastering persuasion, while maintaining irreproachable ethical conduct.

closing arnaque ou pas
A Closer who works for an agency

First of all, the deep understanding of needs and motivations of your interlocutor is essential. Ask open-ended questions to get valuable information, then adapt your pitch accordingly. Show a genuine interest in the well-being of your customer, while promoting the benefits and solutions that your product or service can offer.

Trust plays a central role in selling. Show transparency, honesty and respect your commitments. Credibility remains a major asset in closing. Show tangible evidence of the quality of your product or service, such as testimonials from happy customers or indicators of success.

Creating a sense of urgency

Creating a sense of urgency is proving to be a powerful closing strategy. Indeed, prospects are naturally more likely to make a quick decision when they feel they could be missing out on a valuable opportunity. To fully exploit this dynamic, it is imperative to use techniques aimed at strengthening this sense of urgency, thus encouraging prospects to act quickly.

One of the most effective methods is to offer limited-time promotions or special offers. For example, you can offer an exclusive discount for a specific period of time, a free gift for first-time buyers, or discounted rates for bookings made before a specific date. This approach creates time pressure on the customer, pushing them to make a faster decision.

It is essential to note that creating a sense of urgency should be used with discernment and integrity. Make sure that the offers you offer are authentic and genuinely beneficial for the person.

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