Discover the job of Technical Sales and all the training methods to practice it.
At the crossroads of technical and commercial expertise, the technical sales is a key player in the company that aims to prospect, retain customers and participate in the development of a marketing strategy.
What is the job of Technical-Commercial Engineer?
Remotely or in the field, the Technical-Commercial Engineer contributes to growth and development of the company By sa commercial function and its expertise in communication and prospecting.

The definition
Based on customer advice and technical expertise, it is a pivotal profession that requires solid sales and negotiation skills, but also a good knowledge of prospecting techniques. Its objective is to satisfy buyers and to retain a portfolio of customers, whether they areBusinesses or individuals (in a B2B or B2C context).
The role of negotiator
A true negotiator, his in-depth knowledge of products and/or services allows him not only to advise the client in the best possible way, but also to make him themost suitable offer to his needs. He has a perfect command of the various trading methods allowing him to easily identify the expectations of its buyers, to discuss in a constructive way and toUse your persuasiveness to close sales cycles easily and quickly. His dynamism, his sympathy, his ability to listen and his ease in developing and implementing his commercial pitch are real assets in his role as a negotiator because they allow him to build a relationship of trust with prospects and buyers from the very first moment.
Prospecting techniques
Among the skills required to perform well as a sales technician, we also find good knowledge of prospecting methods. Prospecting is in fact part of the daily missions incumbent on this job: you must therefore be able to draw up a canvassing plan (choose prospecting channels, develop your approach message, define the ICP...) based on the company's marketing strategy and to ensure its proper development to ensure the growth of the company as well as its customer portfolio.
The other missions
Among the recurring missions associated with this activity, the After-sales service and customer loyalty are among the main ones. This profession is effectively responsible for satisfaction of buyers and must follow the smooth running of the various stages of sale. Negotiation skills are also regularly used to ensure supervision of relationships with suppliers, the negotiation of prices but also of delivery times. Finally, it can also be called for participate in an offer development project or a product thanks to its expertise.
What training to follow to be a Sales Technician?
To acquire all the skills necessary to carry out this activity, there are several types of training adapted to the level, profile and preferences of each one.
The Bootcamps
Renowned for their intensity, Bootcamps are training courses that allow apprenticeships complete and effective in a fairly short period of time (usually 3 months). The objective is thus toacquire skills quickly and knowledge in communication, marketing, negotiation and prospecting. Some allow you to get the Sales professional title and to find a job effortlessly at the end of the training.
There are several possible BTS paths after the bac to train for the Technical-Commercial profession. In particular, we find the BTS Consulting and Marketing of Technical Solutions (CCST), the BTS in Operational Commercial Management (MCO) or the BTS Negotiation and Digitization of Customer Relations (NDRC). These bac + 2 allow young graduates to have a good technical knowledge of sales professions while following a relatively short course of study.
The bachelor
By sector of activity wanted, it may be interesting to complete your BTS with a professional license for acquire more skills and technical knowledge about specific products or services. In the industrial or aeronautical job market, for example, having an additional certification attesting to a good knowledge of the sector can be a a real asset to stand out at the time of recruitment.
In-work/continuing training
Obtaining the professional title of Technical Sales Engineer can also be done When you are already an employee of a company but that you want to specialize and train internally, in parallel with your activity. The training can thus be done from individual way and is in particular fundable thanks to the CPF (provided that the training center is eligible and therefore approved by the State) or in a group for companies looking to boost the skills of their teams.
Note that in the case of a job seeker, numerous training formats (more or less long, more or less intensive) are accessible and can be financed by the State thanks to the CPF.
The different training formats
Training modalities to jobs in the commercial sector are now more and more flexible. It is indeed possible to train remotely as well as in person, to adapt your schedule and to find a curriculum adapted to your career and degree level.
Learning remotely and online
Depending on the location Where you are in France, it is not always easy to find quality training. Indeed, there is no denying thegeographical inequality that concentrates a large number of training organizations in Paris, while there are few in the provinces. Fortunately, today we can Learn from home remotely, through online courses or pre-recorded videos.
Training alternately
While some prefer to follow a Initial course to focus on a more theoretical content for marketing, strategy or even communication, others prefer a apprenticeship “in the field” to directly apply the skills learned during the course. The training alternating is therefore a good solution for those students who want train with companies : it allows them to spend time in class, then time in business to combine theory and practice throughout their career.
Note that The pace of alternation varies according to the training center and the duration of the apprenticeship.
Learning when you don't have the bac
Having a diploma such as the bac is not necessarily required to obtain a certification as a sales professional, because these jobs are based on the skills of the salesperson themselves. It is therefore entirely possible to follow a Technical-Commercial training course as an initial or work-study program, face-to-face or remotely, and thus have your title of Commercial Engineer even without the bac - provided you are motivated and able to finance it, whether through the CPF or through a personal investment.
Ensuring the quality of a training center
Regardless of the type of training, it is important to check the qualification level of the training center chosen in order to ensure that he is well qualified to prepare the student, employee or job seeker for the certification in question. A good training center must in fact have an RNCP diploma., attesting to an official qualification level. The RNCP (or National Register of Professional Certifications) lists each title and certification recognized by the State, as well as the skills acquired which the acquisition of these attests to.
What is the salary of a Technico-Commercial?
In the commercial function, the Salary ranges can be very different according to several criteria: The geographical location (the salary for a position in Paris is generally higher than in the provinces), the level of qualification, seniority in a company, professional status, sector of activity...
In business
At the beginning of a career, It is estimated that the annual salary is around 30,000 euros gross, against €40,000 in a very specialized sector such as that of high technologies.
The most experienced technical sales engineer can then hope for a salary greater than €60,000 gross per year according to his seniority and his performance in the company.
The remuneration for a freelance job is always more difficult to estimate because it depends on the rates that the salesperson offers, and is therefore absolutely not fixed. This may be higher than that of a sedentary professional, but it should be noted that freelancing is also responsible for numerous other administrative missions that are part of its self-employed status.