Job description - Commercial BTP

April 2024
7 Min

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The commercial profession is an activity that can be found in almost all sectors. The main goal of this profession is to successfully trigger the purchase of a product. In the field of construction, the technical salesperson has a specific role to play within the company.

Within an entity, salespeople are a real strength. Whatever the sector of activity of a company, it must have a sales team experienced and experienced in the task. Responsible for general prospecting in a well-defined area, The construction manager is far from being a simple salesperson. Indeed, the extent of the role that falls to it is very often unknown. Thanks to his qualities and skills, he must be able to ensure the sustainability of the company. Here is a detailed overview of the mission of the technical sales person as well as the training required in this field of activity.

Commercial construction: the definition

Becoming a sales engineer in the building sector allows you to obtain maximum experience for attract and retain customerss. To successfully carry out a company's projects, various missions are assigned to the technical sales person.

What is the role of a Construction Sales Representative?

The very first role of the manager is prospecting and negotiation. Depending on the goals of the companies, commercial staff may be mobile or sedentary. Those who work as salespeople on site have the opportunity to be in direct contact with potential buyers.

To do this, they must use the best sales methods in order to retain their customers. The sedentary sales engineers stay on the premises and are responsible for monitoring the products sold. They are very often recruited under a permanent contract to better accomplish their missions.

rencontre avec clients

What is the salary of a Commercial BTP?

Being a true ambassador for the various brands he represents, the salesperson must be able to convince his prospects and sell the company's services appropriately.

La The remuneration of a construction salesperson is not fixed and varies according to a number of factors. In this case, this is the status of the employer as well as the company in which he works.

How much does a construction salesperson earn

In general, permanent sales start with a gross monthly amount of between 2000 and 2,500 euros. Over the years and depending on the experiences he gains, the construction salesman can hope for better remuneration.

Junior BTP Commercial Salary

For a beginner in the building industry, the remuneration in France is in the range of €25K unto €30K annual gross euros. In addition, a technical salesperson at the beginning of their career may receive a lower monthly payment excluding compensation when they have the status of itinerant salesperson.

Senior Commercial BTP Salary

A sales manager's sales performance plays an important role on their paycheck. When he acquires executive status or has many years of experience, his remuneration can very quickly soar. Depending on the budget of each entity, the salesperson can receive an average salary that varies between €45K and €48K.

The region or workplace also plays a major role. It is therefore more advantageous for a technical salesperson on a permanent contract to work in France, in the Paris region or in the south-east. Depending on the location of each manager, a discount of 5% may be added to their gross salary.

After 8 years of experience in the construction industry, he can exceed the salary threshold of 100 K€ per year. So, the employee could receive approximately 8334 euros per month. To qualify for such remuneration, he must acquire a certain expertise in sales techniques.

meeting commercial

Main missions of Commercial Construction

Whether employed under a permanent contract or a fixed-term contract, the manager is responsible for convincing his buyers and winning new contracts. To succeed in achieving the various objectives of the company, the sedentary manager must maintain commercial relationships with his prospects.

He must also regularly check the level of satisfaction of customers and their needs. Depending on these various elements, the Commercial BTP adapts its skills and qualities in order to provide services that meet the expectations of future buyers.

A second mission, which is not the least, is prospecting and compiling the files of potential buyers. The sales technician also offers advice to guide and guide customers. To carry out his work successfully, he can use the BtoB strategy.

Qualities to have for this position

The commercial manager on a permanent contract works using a technique adapted to the building sector. He must be driven by a spirit of curiosity and possess real ability to adapt in order to sharpen and update your knowledge.

The technical salesperson must be presentable with good oral expression. His sense of relationships must be sufficiently developed, because he will be required to manage a large number of prospects.

He must adapt to his status as a sedentary leader and must make himself available for possible changes. To manage buyer files and appointment books, he will have to be thorough and organized.

How do I become a Commercial BTP?

Becoming an engineer or sales technician requires a certain number of training courses. Future managers need to acquire certain knowledge before applying for such a position.

Skills needed to become a construction salesperson

An industrial salesperson must like teamwork. He must be able to work under pressure and must be resistant to stress. In addition, The sales manager must have a solid foundation in commercial techniques. He must master sales and negotiation strategies.

Fluency in English is also an essential asset. A sales manager who is fluent in Spanish, German, or Arabic is generally appreciated. To be a great salesperson, he must be vibrant. He must be able to answer all the questions of order technique or commercial that will be asked to him.

The sales manager must be able to guide the customer so that the customer can make the best choice. Thanks to his expertise, he must put in place effective strategies that will allow him to retain his prospects or buyers. Business managers can find competent salespeople on the uptoo recruitment platform.

What training courses do you need to become a Construction Sales Representative?

To work as a salesperson in the building sector, it is important to follow certain training courses. For that, The BTS in commercial techniques is the ideal course. It allows you to acquire solid knowledge in the field. The profession of manager or engineer is available after the Bac. You should get a Bac+2 or a Bac+3.

It is mainly a degree of:

  • BTS in negotiation and customer relations;
  • BTS in commercial techniques;
  • BTSA;
  • Dude.

In order to deepen knowledge in the building sector, it is recommended to have a Master's level or civil engineering engineer. However, future technical salespeople can obtain a master's degree in architectural and urban engineering.

What career developments are there for this position?

When a sales engineer from a building company offers an excellent result on the client portfolio, he can very easily receive a promotion.

Thus, he can eventually migrate to a much more interesting job such as:

  • Sales team manager;
  • Sales manager;
  • Commercial for major accounts;
  • Partnership manager;
  • Purchasing managers.

The commercial can become the Head of the technical products sales business sector. He can also get a job coaching and training future technical salespeople within the company.

équipe de commerciaux

FAQ: Becoming a Construction Sales Representative

What baccalaureate to be a construction sales representative?

To become a construction salesperson, it is essential to obtain a general baccalaureate specializing in engineering sciences. It is also possible toHave a bachelor's degree in architecture, in construction or in technological innovation.

What are the appropriate retraining profiles?

A construction manager on a permanent contract can consider a professional retraining in the craft industry. Indeed, it is a field that makes it possible to highlight certain manual skills. This profile is suitable for technical salespeople, because they will be able to use their creativity.

They have the possibility of following adapted training to be more efficient. The However, BTP sales manager can start his own business. in order to break the routine. He can also become a buyer for a given group after having acquired several years of professional experience.

The building sector is constantly evolving. Thus, many companies launch recruitments in order to find the best sales managers. Thanks to the BtoB commercial method, managers or engineers have the opportunity to retain their customers.

Their remuneration varies according to their expertise. Over the years and according to the rendering of their work, permanent sales technicians can be promoted to positions such as directors, Head of sector, etc. Uptoo regularly launches recruitments, training courses and offers a stable permanent job to many people.

Les construction sales managers occupy an indispensable place within companies and actively contribute to the development of the companies that recruit them.

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