The sales consultant is a professional who is primarily responsible for the design of promotion strategies. He is also in charge of selling a company's products and services. He makes his skills and experiences available to business managers or store managers.
For the evolution and development of a company's turnover, The recruitment of a sales consultant is essential. Generally known as “sales consultants,” these trade experts act as intermediaries between companies and their customers.
Advisors recommend the use of a product or service while making sure to take into consideration the requirements of their customers. Among the professions Sales & Business Development, advisors set goals and strive to achieve them. Thanks to their expertise and to the commercial technique they use, they actively participate in business growth. Now focus on the various aspects related to the exercise of this profession.
Sales Consultant: the definition
Sales consultants are experts trained to find potential customers to buy a product or service offered by the company. They meet customers at their company premises or travel to them. This job requires a certain number of skills in communication as well as good listening skills.
What is the role of a Sales Consultant?
The role of the dirty consultant is to set goals for the company's sales department. He collaborates with the marketing department in order to establish a good and solid strategy that can contribute to the growth and economic development of the company.
The dirty support consultant demonstrates and argues the usefulness of a product in front of prospects. He is in charge of identification of feasibility and profitability criteria. During the various stages related to the sale of a product, the consultant is responsible for supporting and assisting the salesperson. It also offers a technical model.
What is the salary for a Sales Consultant?
Consultants are professionals who work with prospects in advance in order to Offer them adequate solutions. The salary for sales consultants depends on a number of factors.
How much does a sales consultant earn?
The consultant's salary is fixed according to his sector of activity, his professional experiences and skills. The size of the entity as well as the region where it is located are just as many parameters that vary the salary of the sales consultant. It should be noted that junior counsellors receive less than senior advisors.
Junior sales consultant salary
Junior counsellors receive a salary of between €35,000 and €45,000 per year. The remuneration of consultants also depends on their status within the company. Some counsellors work as independent professionals, others have the status of external advisor.
Senior consultant sales salary
Experienced consultants earn between €50,000 and €90,000 per year. However, the salary of councillors may change depending on the city. The salary grid in France is quite interesting. In addition, they benefit from a variable salary which includes bonuses and commissions.
Main missions of the Sales Consultant
The main mission of the consultant is the analysis of market trends. He should monitor sales figures and put in place good marketing measures. The consultant in France is responsible for regularly calculating commercial trends such as sales rates.
The advisor motivates his sales team in order to obtain very good results. It must also find potential buyers as well as targets that may be interested in the services and products promoted by the companyHey.
To achieve the objectives set by the company's manager, they must monitor the technical aspects and at the same time monitor the economic aspects of competing solutions. The consultant must ensure the translation of the specifications for the entity's technical service.
Being a representative figure of his entity, it is important for the consultant to carry out a study on each mission he sets up. Thanks to this study, he will be in a position to obtain better feedback. He is called upon to develop different scenarios.
These aim to respond to a specific problem. He then plans the effective implementation of the chosen scenario. To carry out his missions successfully, the consultant must set up a steering committee as well as working groups.
Some of its missions may extend over one or several weeks. For better organized work, the consultant must establish a roadmap in order to keep an eye on the tasks to be completed for each week. He may have to prospect in a city other than the one where he works. It is also possible that the company manager may request teleworking.
Qualities to have for this position
Permanent consultants must regularly learn about technological developments in the market. Advisors should like working from home. They must have a force of persuasion and to be resistant to stressful situations. A sense of teamwork, curiosity and flexible sales hours are undeniable qualities of a sales consultant.
In addition, it is important that the advisor has good writing skills, because he will be required to send proposal forms to buyers. He must show initiative and must know how to guide buyers. A good consultant must have a good sense of listening to provide solutions to his prospects. The advisor must have an irreproachable organization.
How do I become a Sales Consultant?
There are a variety of areas in which the consultant can intervene. Whether in the commercial, industrial, IT or financial sector, the consultant plays a major role.
Being able to work in France or internationally, it is important that the sales consultant has some professional attributes in order to succeed in this field. Becoming a consultant in a commercial company requires Obtaining certain diplomas. To be a great counselor, candidates need to acquire certain skills.
Skills needed to become a Sales Consultant
Still known under the name ofpre-sales engineer, from technical to commercial consultant, the consultant has fixed professional skills. It must be in a position to carry out functional maps and to ensure managing costs related to the sale of items or services.
To be competent in his work, he must be able to analyze tenders and must be very rigorous. A good consultant should work diplomatically because he is called upon to give advice. He is a representative figure of the company among prospects.
The sales consultant must succeed in managing several projects in parallel. He must be able to establish a roadmap for optimal rendering. To gain experience, it is important that the consultant follows external training. He will be able to acquire more knowledge and concepts in order to best ensure the growth of a company.
Creativity and responsiveness are skills that are highly sought after by sales consultants. Being called upon to work internationally, the counsellor must be proficient in several languages. Indeed, for recruitment, managers prefer those who understand and speak at least two of the following languages: French, English, Spanish or German.
What training courses do you need to become a Sales Consultant?
The consulting profession requires several years of studies. For a recruitment of sales consultant, managers mainly employ candidates who have a bac + 5. To build a career in the commercial sector, it is recommended to opt for a general ES course from high school. This training provides candidates with a solid foundation.
Recruiters prefer candidates who have the following degrees:
- Master in strategic management;
- Master in industrial management;
- HRM management;
- Master in consulting engineering;
- Master's degree in economic science;
- Professional master's degree in law, advice and human resources;
- Socio-economic and consulting master's degree.
To have a better chance of being accepted as a consultant, it is recommended to follow a course in English. It is an asset and a sought-after skill when recruiting.
What career developments are there for this position?
The profession of pre-sales engineer is highly sought after and is a job open to young graduates. The sales consultant position offers various career opportunities. So, A counsellor can easily go from junior to senior consultant.
He can also be appointed manager. Some consultants manage to become partners within the entity as best they can. Sales consultants can also set up their own consulting firm.
FAQ: Becoming a Sales Consultant
What baccalaureate to be a Sales Consultant?
The consulting profession requires a high school diploma from an ES or S course depending on the field of specialty. The most important thing is to develop communication skills and have a good sense of analysis.
What are the appropriate retraining profiles?
Advisors can become product managers. They can also convert to the job of sales manager or business development manager. Thanks to their experiences, they have the opportunity to occupy a position of marketing manager or sales trainer. The job of account manager is also possible.
Reliability, professionalism, diplomacy and humility are qualities and skills that define the best sales consultants. To succeed in its career, the consulate must have a proactive attitude. His experience and know-how will allow him to acquire the status of senior advisor. In this way, he will be able to receive a very high salary. To become an advisor, It is recommended to study business. To improve in the field, consultants must have a bac + 5 or 6 level. When recruiting, graduates who have studied at business schools are at an advantage. The job of sales consultant offers great prospects for development, such as the position of manager, partner or even founder of a consulting school.